EDA and Cleaning of Battery Dataset

Here are the steps you should follow for this assignment:

  1. Import the battery data into Jupyter Notebook and create a Pandas Data Frame to store the data. (Jupyter notebook can be downloaded using anaconda or directly if you are using Linux.)
  2. Clean the data to remove any missing values, outliers, or errors.
  3. Transform the data to calculate the following metrics:
    • Average Battery Percentage: the average battery percentage for each day.
    • Average Battery Temperature: the average battery temperature for each day.
    • Average Voltage: the average voltage for each day.
    • Average Current: the average current for each day.
    • Daily Battery Usage: the amount of battery used each day.
    • Battery Runtime: the total time the battery is used per day. You can add other metrics that can help you explain more the battery behavior.
  4. Visualize the data by creating charts that provide insights into the battery behavior, such as:
    • How does the battery usage change over time?
    • How does the battery health change over time?
    • How does the battery temperature affect battery usage?
    • What is the average daily battery usage, and is it consistent?


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