
If someone asked you to guess a binary number from 7 bits. How much tries do you need in order to get the number? Well, if you will pick the number randomly, you may guess it from the first time, but in general, you need 2^7 times in the worst case.

Ok, so let us now ask the same question to a CLASSICAL COMPUTER. It will be more intelligent than human if it uses the AND Gate. According to the truth table of AND gate, if both bits are 1's, in that case only the output will be 1. Suppose that the secret number is "1001010" So we can do the following: 1001010 AND 0000001


1001010 0000010

And so on, at the end the computer is able to guess the number after 7 tries.

Is it possible to guess any binary number of N bits from the first time !? Yes! It is possible with Quantum Computer! Check MY python script written using QISKIT Quantum Library from IBM the let us to GUESS any binary number from the first try!
