
Development before contains:

Each developer needs to install and configure all services directly on their OS

  • Installation process different for each OS

  • If you have 10 apps, each dev need to install each of them

In docker, there is your own isolated env where it contains all dependencies.

Docker Images vs Docker Containers

A docker image is an exec app artifact where it incldues app source code in a complete env config.

While Docker container is a RUNNING IMAGE, and you can have multiple containers.

Registry vs Repository:

Registry is a service providing storage (collection of repos)

Repo is a collection of related images with same name but different versions

EX: Docker hub is a registry, on it you can host private or public repo for your app.

Create own images:

Docker file → BUILD → Image → Run → Container

A docker file is a text document that contains commands to assemble an image

Docker can then build an image by reading those instructions

List all Docker images

docker images

List running containers docker ps

Get an image for Docker Hub docker pull <name_of_image>:<version>

Run a docker image → it becomes a container

docker run <name>:<TAG> //TAG refer to version
docker run nginx:1.23

Runs a docker image on background and prints its ID docker run -d nginx:1.23

Print container logs docker logs {id}

Note: Instead of pulling (getting) the docker image locally and then run it, you can directly run it so docker will automatically download it first and then run it.

Stop a container docker stop {id}

Run a container of the specified host port

docker run -d -p {HOST_PORT}:{CONTAINER_PORT} nginx:1.23
docker run -d -p 9000:80 nginx:1.23

Note: Its standard to use the same port on your host as container is using

List all container even non running

docker ps -a

Give the container a name

docker run --name {} ...