A simple python implementation Actor Messaging bot API
- simple, small and extensible. It's easy to write own Actor Messaging bots.
- pure Python with asyncio and aiohttp
- websocket connection to Actor ws|wss API-endpoint
- sending and receiving messages
- API module
- Messaging: SendMessage, UpdateMessageContent
- Groups: CreateGroup, CreateGroupWithOwner, UpdateShortName, AddGroupExtString, AddGroupExtBool, RemoveExt, InviteUser
- KeyValue: SetVAlue, GetValue, DeleteValue, GetKeys
- Files: UploadFile, DownloadFile
- Stickers: CreateStickerPack, AddSticker, ShowStickerPacks, ShowStickers, DeleteSticker, MakeStickerPackDefault, UnmakeStickerPackDefault,
- Bots: CreateBot
- Users: FindUser, ChangeUserName, ChangeUserNickname, ChangeUserAbout, ChangeUserAvatar, IsAdmin, AddSlashCommand, RemoveSlashCommand, AddUserExtString, AddUserExtBool, RemoveUserExt
- WebHooks: RegisterHook, GetHooks
- Python >= 3.5.1
- aiohttp >= 0.22.0
- async_timeout >= 1.1.0 (optional)
Make your own conversation inherited from base class Conversation. For example simple echo bot (more in Wiki):
from actorbot.bots import Conversation
from actorbot.api import messaging
class EchoConversation(Conversation):
""" Simple echo bot """
async def message_handler(self, message):
out_msg = messaging.SendMessage(self._get_id(),
await self.send(out_msg)
async def response_handler(self, message):
await super().response_handler(message)
run one or more bots through starter:
from actorbot import Bot
from actorbot.bots import EchoConversation
ownbot = Bot(endpoint='YOUR_ACTOR_SERVER_ENDPOINT',
bots = [ownbot]
transports = [asyncio.ensure_future(bot.transport.run()) for bot in bots]
processors = [asyncio.ensure_future(bot.run()) for bot in bots]
loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(transports + processors))