
This flutter mobile app will compute your expenses and display weekly expense as a bar on UI.

Primary LanguageDart

Expense Calculator 💵


This application will compute your expenses and display weekly expense as a bar on UI. You can also preview your expense cards individually. Apart from this the total sum of expenses will be displayed on bars according to week days. Features for adding and deleting expense transactions are added.

Screenshots 📷

This is the main screen when nothing is added.


This is the bottom sheet to add new expense transaction.


UI will be change once new expense transaction is added.


Main page when multiple expenses are added for different dates of current week.


To use this app follow below instructions:

  1. Clone this app using below syntax:

    git clone https://github.com/aliasar1/Expense-Calculator

  2. After cloning install packages using below syntax:

    flutter pub get

Above command will install all the necessary packages.

  1. Run the app on your mobile emulator using below command:

    flutter run

Thank you. Happy Coding! 😃