
A "Template" repository containing the tools and scripts I use on a regular basis for other repositories, so that the files can be updated and maintained in one place and an "update" script can keep the others up-to-date. Additionally, this "Template" contains the starter files and structure for a standard project. So basically, this is a repository designed to save overall development time (maybe not a lot but it adds up).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a a "Template" repository containing the tools and scripts I use on a regular basis for other repositories, so that the files can be updated and maintained in one place and an "update" script can keep the others up-to-date. Additionally, this "Template" contains the starter files, folders, and basic structure for a standard project. So basically, this is a repository designed to save overall development time. Maybe it doesn't save a lot of time, but it adds up and maintaining things on scale can become cumbersome. This repository seeks to improve that and anyone else is free to use it or the idea, hense using the MIT License. I thought it was clever and useful.

I'm planning on testing out the repo as is and doing a slight redesign to my other projects to work with it. I will be working on an update script that can grab from this repo rather than doing a complete override of files in a project, that way certain files can be excluded if they exist, such as the README.md file, LICENSE and etc. With this, the project not only works for creating a new repository, but also can update the files of an existing one.

DISCLAIMER: Use these files, scripts, and the like at your own risk. There is the potential to loose data and over- write existing data. However, just make sure to push all your important files to the repository first and recover is possible, as well as a comparision of files before and after. Just keep in mind that this is a work in progress and is completely experimental in nature (and therefor bound to have issues).
