
The famous Appirater is now ported for Corona SDK. Uses lua code.

Primary LanguageLua

 Using Appirater

1) Require appirater in the scene e.g. splashScreen which is called from main.lua
2) Define onSystemEvent function with parameter event e.g. splashScreen.lua
	function onSystemEvent( event )
		if(event.type == "applicationStart") then
		elseif(event.type == "applicationResume") then
		elseif(event.type == "applicationExit") then
		elseif(event.type == "applicationSuspend") then
3) Call the above function in a runtime event in the same scene e.g. splashScreen.lua
	Runtime:addEventListener( "system", onSystemEvent)
4) Require appirator and call appirater.userDidSignificantEvent(true) wherever there is some achievement  in the app e.g. the user completes the whole activity. 
5) Change the appID and appName as per your Application.