
The official docs for the CB Validation Module


This module is a server side rules validation engine that can provide you with a unified approach to object, struct and form validation. You can construct validation constraint rules and then tell the engine to validate them accordingly. You can also create validation profiles to create a more complex validation schema for fields.

System Requirements

  • Lucee 5+
  • ColdFusion 2016+


ColdBox validation is based on a way to declaratively specify validation rules for properties or fields in an object or form. The constraints can exist inside of the target object or you can define object and form constraints in your ColdBox configuration file so you can reuse validation constraints or as we call them: shared constraints. You can also create validation constraints on the fly or store them pretty much anywhere you like.

You can then use 2 simple validation methods and report on the results: validate(), validateOrFail()

Professional Open Source

Ortus Solutions, Corp

The ColdBox ORM Module is a professional open source software backed by Ortus Solutions, Corp offering services like:

  • Custom Development
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"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Romans 5:5