Implement dynamic finders and helper methods in CFML ORM (powered by Hibernate), without needing to build concrete classes.
The aim is to build something with no dependencies that can be used with a beanFactory or standalone.
If you are using concrete DAOs, then it is recommended that you use a BeanFactory (the tests use DI/1)
After I started this, Mark Mandel pointed out that he's been working on something similar in ColdSpring. Being Mark it is going to be awesome! Check it out at:
The ColdBox team have an impressive and comprehensive ORM Service layer:
v0.7 some bug fixes and enhancements cleaned up project to make it more obvious how it works
v0.6 it works, but hasn't been battle tested. Subject to API changes Use at your own risk :)
Railo 3.3.4 or higher ColdFusion 9 or higher
Note: if you want to use new( memento ) then you need ColdFusion 10 or Railo 4.
The minimal install is just to use the AbstractDAO.cfc. There is an optional DAOFactory.cfc which creates virtual or concrete DAOs on the fly. You can put these files wherever you like as long as they are in the same directory as each other.
The idea behind this project is that you can use the AbstractDAO as an abstract class for you concrete DAOs to extend. However, I often find (particularly during the early prototyping stages) that my concrete classes just extend the AbstractDAO and have no methods of their own. With this in mind, the AbstractDAO has been designed so that virtual DAOs can be created on the fly.
If you want to create a virtual DAO then simply pass in the entity name
// create a virtual DAO for the Author entity
AuthorDAO = new AbstractDAO( 'Author' );
If you want to extend the AbstractDAO with your own concrete DAOs then your DAO would need to be instantiated like so:
component extends="cfmlorm.lib.AbstractDAO" {
----------------------------------------------------------------- */
any function init(){
return super.init( 'Author' );
----------------------------------------------------------------- */
If you're are using ColdSpring then you could choose to have ColdSpring create and manage your virtual instances. An example config would be:
<bean id="SomethingDAO" class="model.AbstractDAO">
<constructor-arg name="entityName">
the DAOFactory.cfc allows you to call methods in DAOs, the DAOFactory.cfc will either create a virtual one of use the concrete one. It allow allows you to use some nice syntactical sugar.
Please note that if you have concrete classes then you will need to use a beanFactory as the DAOFactory will get the concrete instance from the beanFactory. The DAOFactory will not search your file system!
DAO = new DAOFactory();
Note: The DAO looks for the last part of the method name to determine which DAO
to use. In the following examples the UserDAO.cfc will be used
// get a User by ID
DAO.getUser( 1 );
// get new User
// list Users
The advantage of this approach is that you can start off using the virtual DAO and the switch to a concrete DAO seamlessly in your application at a later date.
If you just want to get a reference to the DAO you can simple do:
DAO = new DAOFactory();
UserDAO = DAO.UserDAO();
Once you have a reference to the UserDAO then you can call the methods directly if you don't want to take advantage of onMissingMethod.
DAO = new DAOFactory();
UserDAO = DAO.getDAO( "User" );
// get a User by ID
UserDAO.get( 1 );
// get new User;
// list Users
The choice is yours!
These are the methods you can call on the virtual / concrete DAO. I suggest you look at the unit tests to see how they work as I need to document these a bit better :)
// get one by id. returns null if no match
get( id )
// get one by filter. returns null if no match
get( {} )
// get one by id. returns new if no match
get( id, true )
// get one by filter. returns new if no match
get( {}, true )
// delete by id
deleteByID( id )
// delete by passed entity
delete( obj )
// returns the entity the DAO is managing
// returns arrays
list( struct filter )
list( struct filter, string sortorder )
list( struct filter, string sortorder, struct options )
// new
new( struct memento ) // note: requires Railo 4 or ColdFusion 10
// save
save( obj )
// where - returns array unless unique is true when it will return an object
where( string clause )
where( string clause, struct params )
where( string clause, array params )
where( string clause, boolean unique )
where( string clause, boolean unique, struct queryOptions )
// where examples:
where( "id > :id and active = :active", {id=1,active=true})
where( "surname like ? order by forename", ['W%'])
// executeQuery
executeQuery( required hql, params={}, unique=false, queryOptions={} )
Copyright 2013 John Whish
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.