
[Incomplete] A chrome extension that tells you if a mail you're currently drafting is going to be classified as spam or not.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Chrome extension to warn you if your mail seems like spam.

My goal was to build a decent Naive Bayes classifier, port it to Javascript and offer a Chrome extension for Gmail. However, I don't have experience with Chrome extensions and am having less time. If you would like to build it, I can help you with the classifier.


  • Jupyter notebook
  • Python 2.7
  • Numpy


  • Check Classifier/SpamHam.ipynb for classifier code.
  • Extract Dataset.pickle and load spam and ham from it.
  • Don't run the 2nd cell, it's for demonstration only.


  • Performed data cleaning.
  • Naive Bayes written from scratch.
  • Bag of words model.
  • Laplace smoothing to handle unknown words.
  • Hyperparameter search using holdout (validation) set.


  • Overall test accuracy - 97%
  • [Important] False positive rate - 0.5% (Only 5 mails falsely classified as spam for every ~2000 mails).


  • Naive bayes is simple but awesome.
  • Comments on failure cases -
Mail contents Comments
['subject', 'si', 'back', 'si', 'back', 'folsom'] Mail too short classified as spam.
['subject', 'congratulations', 'congratulations', 'expanded', 'role', 'hope', 'means', 'get', 'lots', 'money', 'fewer', 'hours'] Highly likely that it is spam, unless sender knows the person
['subject', 'please', 'note', 'new', 'email', 'address', 'effective', 'today', 'please', 'send', 'future', 'correspondence', 'staceykn', '@', 'yahoo', 'com', 'thanks'] Legit failure.
['subject', 'registration', 'confirmation', 'spinner', 'com', 'thank', 'joining', 'spinner', 'com', 'web', 's', 'largest', 'source', 'free', 'streaming', 'music', 'just', 'wanted', 'confirm', 'registration', 'spinner', 'now', 'complete', 'access', 'spinner', 's', 'professionally', 'programmed', 'music', 'channels', 'entire', 'spinner', 'com', 'website', 'just', 'remind', 'player', 'website', '(', 'importantly', ')', 'music', 'totally', 'free', 'user', 'name', 'junglo', 'omitted', 'password', 'privacy', 'please', 'hang', 'email', 'can', 'easily', 'retrieve', 'user', 'name', 'forget', 'forget', 'password', '?', 'enter', 'user', 'name', 'email', 'address', 'password', 'retrieval', 'page', 'll', 'email', 'can', 'also', 'change', 'email', 'address', 'profile', 'page', 'http', 'www', 'spinner', 'com', 'profile', 'download', 'installation', 'assistance', 'visit', 'help', 'pages', 'http', 'www', 'spinner', 'com', 'help', 'download', 'questions', 'problems', 'please', 'email', 'us', 'feedback', '@', 'spinner', 'com', 'users', 'listen', 'million', 'songs', 'week', 'almost', 'every', 'genre', 'music', 'can', 'imagine', 'also', 'learn', 'everything', 'hear', 'clicking', 'player', 'get', 'bios', 'every', 'artist', 'hear', 'clicking', '"', 'artist', 'info', '"', 'purchase', 'cds', 'clicking', '"', 'buy', 'cd', '"', 'click', '"', 'rate', 'song', '"', 'let', 'djs', 'know', 'think', 'song', 'hear', 'll', 'use', 'feedback', 'determine', 'song', 'play', 'click', '"', 'channel', '"', 'see', 'week', 's', 'top', 'songs', 'channel', 're', 'playing', 'ranked', 'order', 'popularity', 'even', 'great', 'info', 'channels', 'music', 'visit', 'spinner', 'com', 'can', 'find', 'channels', 'play', 'favorite', 'artists', 'download', 'great', 'free', 'songs', 'take', 'part', 'cool', 'promotions', 'contests', 'thanks', 'registering', 'like', 'hear', 'tell', 'friend', 'spinner', 'enjoy', 'music', 'spinner', 'crew', 'received', 'email', 'error', 'can', 'unsubscribe', 'service', 'http', 'www', 'spinner', 'com', 'unsubscribe'] Legit failure. Contains a lot of 'password' and 'free' and 'download'
['subject', 'registration', 'confirmation', 'yahoo', 'account', 'information', 'help', 'reply', 'message', 'request', 'account', 'click', 'registration', 'confirmed', 'welcome', 'yahoo', 'message', 'confirms', 'new', 'account', 'yahoo', '?', 'yahoo', 'id', 'mpfarmer', 'email', 'address', 'dfarmer', '@', 'enron', 'com', '?', 'email', 'address', 'listed', 'incorrect', 'changes', 'future', '?', 'please', 'keep', 'email', 'contact', 'current', 'can', 'help', 'case', 'can', 't', 'access', 'yahoo', 'account', 'update', 'email', 'address', 'first', 'sign', 'yahoo', 'yahoo', 'personalized', 'service', 'click', '"', 'account', 'info', '"', 'top', 'page', '(', '"', 'account', 'info', '"', 'available', 'please', 'click', '"', 'options', '"', 'first', '"', 'account', 'info', '"', ')', 'field', 'need', 'change', 'called', '"', 'alternate', 'email', 'address', '"', '?', 'can', 'new', 'yahoo', 'id', '?', 'yahoo', 'mail', 'yahoo', 'mail', 'get', 'yahoo', 'com', 'email', 'address', 'yahoo', 'auctions', 'yahoo', 'auctions', 'buy', 'sell', 'free', '[', 'image', ']', 'yahoo', 'chat', 'chat', 'people', 'world', 'yahoo', 'calendar', 'yahoo', 'calendar', 'keep', 'organized', 'yahoo', 'yahoo', 'customize', 'way', 'use', 'internet', 'yahoo', 'games', 'yahoo', 'games', 'new', 'classic', 'online', 'games', 'yahoo', 'travel', 'yahoo', 'travel', 'reservations', 'tickets', 'discounts', 'information', 'yahoo', 'shopping', 'yahoo', 'shopping', 'search', 'favorite', 'products', 'brands', 'compare', 'prices', 'yahoo', 'messenger', 'yahoo', 'messenger', 'get', 'notified', 'new', 'mail', 'send', 'instant', 'messages', 'show', 'thank', 'signing', 'yahoo', '?', 'didn', 't', 'request', 'account', '?', 'please', 'click', 'didn', 't', 'request', 'longer', 'wish', 'prompted', 'deletion', 'key', 'please', 'cut', 'paste', 'following', 'text', 'box', 'requested', 'deletion', 'page', 'also', 'reply', 'email', '(', 'make', 'sure', 'copy', 'entire', 'email', 'reply', ')', 'remove', 'subject', 'line', '[', ']'] Legit failure.
['subject', 'amazon', 'com', 'order', '(', '#', ')', 'greetings', 'amazon', 'com', 'thought', 'd', 'like', 'know', 'shipped', 'items', 'today', 'completes', 'order', 'thanks', 'shopping', 'amazon', 'com', 'hope', 'see', 'soon', 'can', 'track', 'status', 'order', 'orders', 'online', 'visiting', '"', 'account', '"', 'page', 'http', 'www', 'amazon', 'com', 'account', 'can', 'track', 'order', 'shipment', 'status', 'review', 'estimated', 'delivery', 'dates', 'cancel', 'unshipped', 'items', 'return', 'items', 'much', 'following', 'items', 'included', 'shipment', 'qty', 'item', 'price', 'shipped', 'subtotal', 'dewalt', 'dw', 'k', 'volt', '"', '$', '$', 'item', 'subtotal', '$', 'shipping', '&', 'handling', '$', 'total', '$', 'paid', 'via', 'mastercard', '$', 'paid', 'via', 'gift', 'certificate', 'usd', '(', 'privacy', 'reasons', 'recipient', 's', 'address', 'shown', ')', 've', 'explored', 'links', '"', 'account', '"', 'page', 'still', 'need', 'get', 'touch', 'us', 'order', 'e', 'mail', 'us', 'orders', '@', 'amazon', 'com', 'next', 'visit', 'web', 'site', 'come', 'see', 's', 'new', 'clicking', 'link', 'right', 'hand', 'side', 'home', 'page', 'visiting', 'url', 'cs', '', 'ae', '', 'nfy', 've', 'selected', 'assortment', 'new', 'releases', 'recommendations', 'informative', 'articles', 'think', 'appeal', 'thank', 'shopping', 'amazon', 'com', 'amazon', 'com', 'earth', 's', 'biggest', 'selection', 'orders', '@', 'amazon', 'com', 'http', 'www', 'amazon', 'com']
['subject', 'singles', 'debate', 'hey', 'check', 'dude', 'smashing', 'pumkins', 'song', 'drown', 'can', 't', 'find', 'cd', 'whaz', '?', '?'] Seriously, how is this not spam?
['subject', 'valpak', 'com', '"', 'print', 'later', '"', 'link', 'link', 'print', 'ready', 'valpak', 'com', 'savings', 'page', 'requested', 'link', 'will', 'remain', 'active', 'next', 'hours', 'may', 'print', 'convenience', 'click', 'print', 'saved', 'couponsshare', 'good', 'savings', 'sense', 'forward', 'link', 'friend', 'can', 'print', 'save'] Legit failure.
