Project Description
is a hotel booking app where users can make room reservations by specifying the date of entry and date for depature. Users will have various options to select from, based on what accomodities or special facilities offered along with a preferred room.
- Ruby
- Git
- Github
- Rubocop
- RSpec
- Stylelint
To get a local copy of the program running, follow these simple steps
- IDE, preferably Visual Studio Code
- Ruby
- Rails
- Open a command line terminal (Git bash preferrably) and navigate to a directory where you would like to save the work folder using cd.
- Clone the repository with git clone to have a copy of the backend server.
- To get the curent working tree, git fetch --all, then checkout to "dev" branch.
- Finally, run the application by doing the following:
- navigate to the root directory with a command line preferably ubuntu terminal
- run 'bundle install'
- run 'rails db:create'
- run 'rails db:migrate'
- run 'rails db:seed'
- run 'rails serve'
- Clone the front end of the application with git clone to have a copy of the front end
- Finally, run the application by doing the following:
- navigate to the root directory with a command run 'npm install' run 'npm start'
- Link to the Kanban board
- Link to the screenshot of the initial state of our Kanban board
👤 Wale Olapetan
- GitHub: @wale-prog
- LinkedIn: @walepetan
👤 Steve
- GitHub: @sntakirutimana72
👤 Chris Siku
- GitHub: @Chrissiku
- Twitter: @christian_siku
👤 Ali Atayee
- GitHub: @aliatayee
- Twitter: @AqaAtayee
👤 Safar Ali
- GitHub: @safar1212
- LinkedIn: @safar-ali999
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to Microverse
- Shoutout to Murat Korkmaz for providing the design
This project is MIT licensed.