
Easy to use and customizable messages/notifications for iOS applications.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Easy to use and customizable messages/notifications for iOS applications.


How To Get Started


Specify "NotificationView" in your Cartfile:

github "teambition/NotificationView"



Four default icon styles available, and custom icon is supported certainly.

enum NotificationViewStyle {
    case success
    case error
    case message
    case warning
    case custom(UIImage?)


enum NotificationViewPosition {
    case top
    case bottom
    case navBar(UINavigationController)

For position navBar, an UINavigationController instance is needed for displaying the notification.

Accessory Type

enum NotificationViewAccessoryType {
    case none
    case disclosureIndicator(() -> ())
    case custom(UIView)

For accessory type disclosureIndicator, a disclosure indicator will be displayed in the right side of the notification, which indicates that tapping the notification triggers an action associated with the value of the accessoryType property.

For accessory type custom, the given associated view will be used for the right accessory view of notification.

Show Notification

static func showNotification(at position: NotificationViewPosition = default, style: NotificationViewStyle, title: String?, subtitle: String?, accessoryType: NotificationViewAccessoryType = default) { }

static func showSuccess(at position: NotificationViewPosition = default, title: String?, subtitle: String?, accessoryType: NotificationViewAccessoryType = default) { }

static func showError(at position: NotificationViewPosition = default, title: String?, subtitle: String?, accessoryType: NotificationViewAccessoryType = default) { }

static func showMessage(at position: NotificationViewPosition = default, title: String?, subtitle: String?, accessoryType: NotificationViewAccessoryType = default) { }

static func showWarning(at position: NotificationViewPosition = default, title: String?, subtitle: String?, accessoryType: NotificationViewAccessoryType = default) { }

For position navBar, there is a convenient way to show notification, you can call these functions of UINavigationController:

extension UINavigationController {
    func showNotification(style: NotificationViewStyle, title: String?, subtitle: String?, accessoryType: NotificationViewAccessoryType = default) { }

    func showSuccess(title: String?, subtitle: String?, accessoryType: NotificationViewAccessoryType = default) { }

    func showError(title: String?, subtitle: String?, accessoryType: NotificationViewAccessoryType = default) { }

    func showMessage(title: String?, subtitle: String?, accessoryType: NotificationViewAccessoryType = default) { }

    func showWarning(title: String?, subtitle: String?, accessoryType: NotificationViewAccessoryType = default) { }

Implement the delegate if needed

func shouldShowNotificationView(_ notificationView: NotificationView) -> Bool {
    // default is true

func willShowNotificationView(_ notificationView: NotificationView) {
    // do something

func didShowNotificationView(_ notificationView: NotificationView) {
    // do something

func shouldDismissNotificationView(_ notificationView: NotificationView) -> Bool {
    // default is true

func willDismissNotificationView(_ notificationView: NotificationView) {
    // do something

func didDismissNotificationView(_ notificationView: NotificationView) {
    // do something

Minimum Requirement

iOS 8.0

Release Notes


NotificationView is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

More Info

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