[ICLR 2022] TAda! Temporally-Adaptive Convolutions for Video Understanding. This codebase provides solutions for video classification, video representation learning and temporal detection.
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RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for BaseVideoModel: size mismatch for head.out.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([400, 768]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([5, 768]). size mismatch for head.out.bias: copying a param with shape torch.Size([400]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([5]).
#24 opened by lyxlplhy - 0
SadTalker generates error
#25 opened by buchenhui - 2
Applying TAdaConv3d to Timesformer
#17 opened by jinfu688 - 0
Question on reproducing the results on sthv2
#23 opened by PeiqinZhuang - 5
Feedback on the issue of ema coefficient.
#22 opened by PeiqinZhuang - 12
top1-5 accuracy did not achieve the expected effect(Mosi/Finetuned on UCF101/HMDB51 dataset)
#18 opened by TJQdoIt9527 - 1
In Mosi, training on hmdb51 based on the pre trained checkpoint you provided cannot reproduce the results
#21 opened by TJQdoIt9527 - 2
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Applying TadaConv
#13 opened by yingqiluoCSDN - 1
Frame description and temporal modeling
#12 opened by Accept-AI - 3
#11 opened by okojoalg - 1
some questions about flops and inference time
#10 opened by bendanzzc - 2
I am curious about why the flops and parms of TAdaConvNeXt-T is one half of the ResNet50's, to my knowledge they should be similar.
#15 opened by leexinhao - 1
Batch-wise and Temporal-wise modeling
#14 opened by hulianyuyy - 1
apply AdaConv to P3D or SlowFast
#16 opened by yan-ctrl - 1
Use TAdaConv in Video Object Detection?
#8 opened by urbaneman - 1
How to use R(2+1)D with TAda?
#9 opened by sja9527 - 2
#6 opened by wolfworld6 - 1
Problems on loading imagenet weight
#5 opened by jwfanDL - 2
Issue on running on sthv2
#4 opened by jwfanDL - 2
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EPIC-KITCHENS Action Features
#2 opened by elias-work - 2
code release
#1 opened by haoranD