- 1
reduce Thera package size
#58 opened by xiaofenqin - 1
- 1
dumpling server挂掉重启的时候,二维码还是用的缓存图片,没有更新
#46 opened by scucheri - 1
#49 opened by scucheri - 1
- 0
View inspector throws exception
#68 opened by NickolasHu - 0
- 0
Background tips disappeared.
#67 opened by NickolasHu - 1
atom-ternjs-client report error.
#60 opened by dutlxq2014 - 2
Symbol tab style issue.
#63 opened by NickolasHu - 0
Maximum call stack size exceeded.
#57 opened by dengxu - 0
dumpling start throws error.
#61 opened by NickolasHu - 0
error when click the inspector tree item
#64 opened by scucheri - 0
json file do not have syntax error prompt
#65 opened by scucheri - 1
- 6
#45 opened by scucheri - 1
Why debug server sometime shutdown .
#37 opened by dutlxq2014 - 1
- 1
The two server should keep consistent.
#36 opened by dutlxq2014 - 1
- 2
Build service optimization
#56 opened by dutlxq2014 - 0
- 1
- 2
Panel activation event hides right panel.
#55 opened by NickolasHu - 0
#52 opened by dengxu - 0
#43 opened by scucheri - 0
Change project entry file in launch.json leads to a unwatch on anything. The change will only take effect after a reload or restarting of IDE.
#40 opened by dutlxq2014 - 1
debug button add status.
#51 opened by NickolasHu - 1
#47 opened by scucheri - 0
optimize the performance of console panel
#50 opened by NickolasHu - 1
Cmd+Q should kill the whole process tree.
#32 opened by dutlxq2014 - 1
iOS 模拟器调试有时候设备链接会莫名的断开
#41 opened by dollarfromchina - 0
debug server 和dumpling server不同步问题
#44 opened by scucheri - 0
debug 显示内容太长,会导致 break points 内容被压没了
#42 opened by kekemao1 - 2
QR code does not show the real address occasionally which may be caused by the cache strategy. Noting can be done to solve this problem except restarting thera.
#39 opened by dutlxq2014 - 1
- 1
Kill the previous emulator when starting a new one instead of using the current one.
#34 opened by dutlxq2014 - 0
Pop a notification when runtime cannot be loaded caused by something like vpn.
#38 opened by dutlxq2014 - 1
Preview app should tell his ID when connect to IDE for the need of syncing connecting status to the device managing panel.
#29 opened by dutlxq2014 - 0
在断开runtime情况下,没有清空right panel里的数据
#24 opened by kekemao1 - 0
debug 标记不是.em 的,没有随着字体大小变化
#26 opened by kekemao1 - 0
The icon attached to layer panel is incorrect
#28 opened by dutlxq2014 - 0
Move server living icon to the status bar.
#30 opened by dutlxq2014 - 0
consumes energy when idle
#27 opened by NickolasHu - 0
- 3
tex & label 里 font-size 小数点精准太大了
#21 opened by kekemao1 - 0
- 0
#23 opened by kekemao1 - 0
beautify 功能已经提供,修改掉menu上的auto indent,加上热键描述
#19 opened by kekemao1 - 0
ios 9 devices cannot connect to debug service
#20 opened by NickolasHu