coobjc provides coroutine support for Objective-C and Swift. We added await method、generator and actor model like C#、Javascript and Kotlin. For convenience, we added coroutine categories for some Foundation and UIKit API in cokit framework like NSFileManager, JSON, NSData, UIImage etc. We also add tuple support in coobjc.
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iOS17.6.1 iPhone13运行闪退
#118 opened by Mamakou - 7
- 3
iOS15.0 cofishhook crash.
#113 opened by CodeKevin - 2
【崩溃】调用co_launch{ } 必现crash
#117 opened by baoshanzhang - 2
#116 opened by zuodafu - 3
#101 opened by SANDOFTIME - 2
#114 opened by alexlee002 - 8
iOS15.0 cofishhook.c crash
#112 opened by tzwgod - 1
COPromise 的 cancle 调用没有效果。
#110 opened by szmichaelyb - 5
#108 opened by JinjunHan - 0
在.mm 文件里使用编译报错
#109 opened by hosten1 - 2
Actors in coswift
#103 opened by jeffdgr8 - 0
fatal error: 'co_queue.h' file not found
#107 opened by Chanzd - 1
compile error after enable install! 'cocoapods', generate_multiple_pod_projects: true in Podfile
#89 opened by gssdromen - 1
Using Swift Package Manager compile error
#106 opened by zhixingxi - 4
#68 opened by zhousj888 - 5
调用函数 void coroutine_resume_im(coroutine_t *co) 时,没有保证 coroutine_t 的状态为 Ready 或 Suspend
#84 opened by jieliangma - 8
#81 opened by charlesYun - 0
#102 opened by jefffyangdis - 1
ios11.1 在co_launch中WebView执行js闪退
#99 opened by iDivines - 0
#import <coobjc.h>写入pch文件导致编译失败
#98 opened by Channe - 3
- 0
build failed when i use coobjc in
#97 opened by sevenOnClass - 7
cokit compile failed on Xcode 11
#93 opened by Magic-Unique - 0
iOS13 crash
#94 opened by zhangmucoder - 2
#92 opened by yunjinghui123 - 2
COSequence 这个类移除了吗??还是说是自己封装的?
#91 opened by KitsGithub - 7
频繁执行这个就会出现 Exception
#70 opened by azureplus - 1
#88 opened by JQShowtime - 1
#85 opened by iamLaoMo - 1
- 2
COCoroutine 源码 有一处不太理解
#83 opened by DeanGuo - 2
Docs Typo 协程IO阻塞
#80 opened by qs991011 - 0
COActor 在协程中无法获取到NSError
#78 opened by youzige - 1
co_getError 捕捉的难道不应该是第一次错误吗?
#77 opened by xpsuper - 3
Promise能否增加基于点(.)语法的链式写法支持?用 [] 来写链式写法步骤多了之后超级别扭啊
#72 opened by xpsuper - 1
CODispatc.m 的一个问题
#74 opened by s2mh - 3
自己创建framework 库,使用了coobjc的库
#73 opened by huangzhentong - 1
Add `receiveAll` and `receiveMutiple:` in COChan
#71 opened by NianJi - 0
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#63 opened by jeff201903 - 2
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当用 then/catch 链式写法组织业务时发生 crash
#62 opened by xpsuper - 3
crash if run co_launch in background thread
#60 opened by jackieyk - 1
Why does the param of COPromiseReject is an object of NSError instead of NSException?
#61 opened by CallmeLetty - 3
- 1
Consider to support `done` after `then`
#57 opened by EvoIos - 1
where is co_delay in coswift ?
#55 opened by EvoIos - 3
HELP: how to use then in coswift
#53 opened by EvoIos - 1
[Question] Difference between _coroutine_begin & _coroutine_setcontext
#54 opened by flybrotherlixiang