git-repo is a command-line tool for centralized workflow, can work with Gerrit, AGit-Flow compatible servers. It is written in Golang, and it can be installed easily without further dependency. It provides an easy-to-use solution for multiple repositories which is introduced by Android repo first, and it can also work with a single repository.
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#57 opened by SuperMan-Lfj - 4
manifest.xml 中 include 的相对路径计算有问题。
#56 opened by icemanpro - 3
#58 opened by kennir - 0
windows系统 linkfile属性有些问题
#59 opened by GitLdw - 4
remote 'origin' for project is not reviewable while executing command "git pr"
#33 opened by robertzhangwenjie - 2
git repo upload 404?
#55 opened by jinri - 1
Use testing.T.TempDir in the tests
#54 opened by magnusbaeck - 0
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git pr --change xxx 不能推送已存在的PR
#52 opened by WaferJay - 1
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got bad ssh_info error
#51 opened by kennir - 4
Feature request: Add github api create merge request
#47 opened by cnmade - 1
FATAL: cannot find repodir or git: 'abandon' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
#50 opened by StringKe - 1
不兼容google 的 repo工具格式,所以下载谷歌的开源代码是下载不下来
#48 opened by cnmade - 3
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#27 opened by zoujunhua - 1
#32 opened by pixystone - 3
#37 opened by Ncerzzk - 3
在git协议下,当commit里面有lfs时,可以push, 但是pr会报错
#38 opened by junwchina - 0
git pr的时候启动本地文本编辑器错误
#41 opened by WhiteFeatheredCrow - 2
不兼容m1 pro 吗?
#39 opened by LevineHua - 1
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How to submit 'git pr' without opening an editor?
#34 opened by Ncerzzk - 0
remote alias属性 不生效
#30 opened by SeanCai - 3
#7 opened by airclear - 3
What exactly does "diff driver" mean?
#28 opened by Cactusinhand - 3
'git repo sync' get an error of 'is published (but not merged)' after 'git pr'
#22 opened by guestliu - 2
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AGit-flow 方式只有一条master分支,怎么做hotfix/ 版本修复
#25 opened by chenweiyj - 5
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we use gitlab as git server? what should we do on git server(gitlab) to support git-repo?
#3 opened by rhinoceros