
Using MongoShake deployed on ECS to one-way synchronize 2 MongoDB deployed in 2 regions respectively.

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Architecture Overview




Use this terraform script (https://github.com/alibabacloud-labs/solution-mongodb-multiregion-sync/blob/main/deployment/terraform/main.tf) to provision the resource including VPC, ECS, MongoDB on 2 regions. Later public IP endpoint will be used for MongoShake on ECS to connect the MongoDB on another region.

If you do not specify the provider parameters in the environment, please set your Alibaba Cloud access key, secret key here.

provider "alicloud" {
  #   access_key = "${var.access_key}"
  #   secret_key = "${var.secret_key}"
  alias  = "region1"
  region = var.region1

provider "alicloud" {
  #   access_key = "${var.access_key}"
  #   secret_key = "${var.secret_key}"
  alias  = "region2"
  region = var.region2

Run Demo

Step 1: set the security group for source and target MongoDB

Set the MongoDB in the same security group with the ECS in the same region, which allows ECS accessing the MongoDB for read and write.



Step 2: add ECS (in region 1 for MongoShake) public IP to whitelist of target MongoDB



Step 3: apply target MongoDB public IP endpoint


Copy the connection URL for later MongoShake setting, such as (Please replace the "****" with the provisioned password, here in this tutorial, it is "N1cetest")


Step 4: install and start MongoShake on ECS (in the region where source MongoDB locates)

  • Logon to ECS via SSH, use the account root/N1cetest, the password has been predefined in Terraform script for this tutorial. If you changed the password, please use the correct password accordingly.
ssh root@<EIP_ECS>
wget https://github.com/alibaba/MongoShake/releases/download/release-v2.4.19-20210115/mongo-shake-v2.4.19.tar.gz
tar zxvf mongo-shake-v2.4.19.tar.gz && mv mongo-shake-v2.4.19 /root/mongoshake && cd /root/mongoshake 

Run the vim collector.conf command to modify the collector.conf configuration file of MongoShake. The following parameters describe the parameters that you must configure to synchronize data between ApsaraDB for MongoDB instances.

vim collector.conf
  • mongo_urls: The connection string URI of the source ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance. We recommend that you use a VPC endpoint to minimize network latency.
  • tunnel.address: The connection string URI of the destination ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance. Here in this demo, you need replace with the public IP endpoint of the target MongoDB described in Step 3.
  • sync_mode: The data synchronization method. We set to "all" here to performs both full data synchronization and incremental data synchronization.

Note For more information about all parameters in the collector.conf file, see the https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/122621.htm?spm=a2c63.p38356.b99.149.83c95d51SHnDEP#section-zkn-lqg-z79 of this topic.

Then run the following command at MongoShake ECS to start MongoShake service.

sh start.sh collector.conf

When the incremental data synchronization starts, you can open a command line window to monitor MongoShake.

cd /root/mongoshake && ./mongoshake-stat --port=9100

Step 5: run read and write application on ECS

Now you can run the sample python program to check with the MongoDB one-way synchronization behavior.

Source code Description Source code file URL
mongodb_insert_source.py MongoDB writer run on ECS in region 1. It will continuously insert document data into source MongoDB. https://github.com/alibabacloud-labs/solution-mongodb-multiregion-sync/raw/main/source/mongodb_insert_source.py
mongodb_read_source.py MongoDB reader run on ECS in region 1. It will continuously read document data from source MongoDB. https://github.com/alibabacloud-labs/solution-mongodb-multiregion-sync/raw/main/source/mongodb_read_source.py
mongodb_read_target.py MongoDB reader run on ECS in region 2. It will continuously read document data from target MongoDB. https://github.com/alibabacloud-labs/solution-mongodb-multiregion-sync/raw/main/source/mongodb_read_target.py

First, log on both ECS in region 1 and region 2, run the following command to install pymongo python module.

pip install pymongo

On the ECS in region 2, log on via SSH, download the target mongodb reader script.

wget https://github.com/alibabacloud-labs/solution-mongodb-multiregion-sync/raw/main/source/mongodb_read_target.py

Within the source code, modify the MongoDB URL to replace with the target MongoDB VPC URL accordingly:

vim mongodb_read_target.py
cl = pymongo.MongoClient(
    'mongodb://root:xxxx@<replace with the target MongoDB VPC URL>')

Then run the script:

python mongodb_read_target.py

On the ECS in region 1, log on via SSH, download the source mongodb writer script.

wget https://github.com/alibabacloud-labs/solution-mongodb-multiregion-sync/raw/main/source/mongodb_insert_source.py

Within the source code, modify the MongoDB URL accordingly:

vim mongodb_insert_source.py
cl = pymongo.MongoClient(
    'mongodb://root:xxxx@<replace with the source MongoDB VPC URL>')

Then run the script:

python mongodb_insert_source.py

Then on ECS in region 1, you will see the MongoDB writer writes the document data into the source MongoDB. While on ECS in region 2, you will see the MongoDB reader reads the newly synchronized data on the target MongoDB.
