/** \CSE412 Assignment_1 * \author Jaeyoung Yun * \sinsunby@unist.ac.kr \modified Kyu Yeun Kim \kyuyeunk@unist.ac.kr */ 0. How to access the Ferrari cluster - Install and use the SSH terminal emulator (e.g. Putty) - Host Name: ferrari.unist.ac.kr - Account / Pwd: refer to BB announcements 1. Complete the unfinished code, hashtable.c 2. $ make 3. Test (1) local evaluation - In your local machine. - run hashtable with 5 arguments. (make sure that the second argument does not exceed 131072 operations) - $ ./hashtable (number of buckets) (number of operations) (number of threads) (probability of insert) (probability of delete) (2) cluster evaluation - In Ferrari cluster - use qsub to submit your job to cluster. - $ qsub -l nodes=1:ppn=16 hash_table_(#)_(#)_(#).pbs : You should qsub four .pbs files. First number means number of buckets, second number is probability of insert, and third number means probability of delete (You have to change the hashtable PATH in script file) (e.g. /home/sinsunby/ -> /home/"$Account") - You can track your job process by $ qstat - When your job is finished, you will get two output files, .e and .o. - .e logs the error message and .o logs the output message.