Vue.js Weather App

Live Link / Demo Link: 🔗

Deployed app

About the Project: 📚

Welcome to the Vue Weather App! This project is a simple and intuitive weather application built using Vue.js, designed to provide real-time weather information for any location around the world.

Screenshots: 📷

Technologies Used: ☕️ 🐍 ⚛️

  • Vue.js
  • JavaScript
  • Yarn
  • Open Weather Map API

Setup / Installation: 💻

Download VueJS

npm -g i @vue/cli or yarn global add @vue/cli
Choose default (babel, eslint)

Project setup

vue create vue-weather. vue-weather is name of folder, so you can change the name of folder


Open this link and create your own API KEY. Then copy your key.
App.vue -> line 34 -> you can paste your own key that you got before.

Run Project

yarn serve

Approach: 🚶

Design Patterns and Architecture

The Vue Weather App follows a component-based architecture, a core principle of Vue.js development. It's organized into multiple Vue components that each have a specific responsibility, enhancing code readability, maintainability, and reusability.

Key Components:

  • App.vue: The main application component that serves as the entry point for the app. It manages the main layout, user input, and data display.
  • SearchBox.vue: Handles user input and triggers weather data fetching upon pressing the Enter key.
  • WeatherDisplay.vue: Displays the fetched weather data, including location, date, temperature, and weather condition.

Code Styles and Practices

The project adheres to best practices and coding standards to ensure clean and maintainable code.

Key Code Styles:

  • Component Structure: Each Vue component is organized into sections, including template, script, and style, ensuring a clear separation of concerns.
  • CSS Styling: Styles are scoped to the respective components using CSS modules, preventing global style conflicts.
  • Data Management: The app effectively uses Vue's reactivity system to update the UI based on data changes.
  • API Interaction: The OpenWeatherMap API is integrated to fetch weather data based on user input.
  • Error Handling: Proper error handling is implemented, such as displaying a help message when no weather data is available.

Features and Functionality

The Vue Weather App offers the following features:

  • Weather Data: Fetches and displays real-time weather information, including temperature and weather conditions.
  • Search Functionality: Enables users to search for weather data by entering the name of a city.
  • Responsive Design: The app is designed to be responsive, adapting to various screen sizes and devices.
  • User-Friendly UI: Clear and intuitive user interface with helpful messages for better user experience.