
Python script to scrape Kijiji and find new ads.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python 3 script that scrapes Kijiji ad information and outputs it in .json format


Run ./Kijiji-Scraper.py -h for usage instructions

Example usage:

$ ./Kijiji-Scraper.py -u 'https://www.kijiji.ca/b-bikes/city-of-toronto/c644l1700273r0.7?ad=offering&address=m5c2t6&ll=43.641210,-79.393892' -f bikes.json -v

Dependencies: requests and BeautifulSoup

conda install requests
conda install beautifulsoup4

Bonus: load output in pandas

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_json('bikes.json', orient='index')