Planet Trip for CS 319 Project

Project Name: Planet Trip

Group Members (Group 2E):

Ferhat Serdar Atalay

Aylin Çakal

Ali Bulut

Ismail Serdar Taskafa

Description of the Project:

PlanetTrip is a Java game we have chosen as our project. The game is inspired by by Javanoid type arcade games. In such games, there is a map of meteors, a paddle and a ball. Using paddle, player is supposed to give direction to ball and destroy all the meteors by hitting them. Those bricks have different stiffness and some of them are harder to destroy than others.

Description of the Game:

“PlanetTrip” is a single player game. After selecting Play Game in main menu, user can decide to play with any of nine levels and they are ordered with respect to their challenges. In each level, user is presented with a map and meteors in it. They will move the paddle by keyboard to direct the ball and not let it fall through the void. If ball falls, user will lose one life and game will end if user has exhausted all their lives. Level will conclude and next level will be unlocked if user hits and destroys all meteors.

In scenario, player will travel across the solar system, starting from Neptune to the Sun. Each planet is a different level and player can see the respective planet in the background. When player clears all meteors on the map, they can see the planet in its full entirety and continue with the next level. As the player progresses with game, levels will be more challenging to keep the sense of engagement. Currently game will have the following features:

  • Single Player Mode
  • Level Selection [from Neptune to Sun] We have chosen Java as our language for development because all group members are experienced with that and it is a powerful language that supports principles of object oriented programming. Using these principles will make our software easier to maintain and to add new features without disrupting all parts of the program. We believe this project will be a good exercise to learn and practice these principles. Moreover, developing a desktop application with an UI component using Java is more straightforward compared to C/C++.

Reference Link to a Similar Game:

Meeting Logs: