
Reporting service is a RESTful web service that provides reporting advertising data, part of which is extracted from a csv file and the rest being calculated as additional metrics.

Primary LanguageJava

Reporting Service

Reporting service is a RESTful web service that provides reporting advertising data, part of which is extracted from a csv file and the rest being calculated as additional metrics.

  • [Maven] - Dependency and software project management tool
  • [Spring Boot] - Bootstrapping and development of a Spring application
  • [H2 Database] - Relational database
  • [Swagger] - Visualizing project API's resources

Building from source

Build Requirements

Reporting service requires only JDK 8 and Maven 3.2.

  • H2 Database provided in a fat jar.

Extract project and enter folder.

$ tar -xvzf adverts-reporting-service-alicanalbayrak.tar.gz
$ cd adverts-reporting-service/

Compile the source code in the adverts-reporting-service directorty.

$ mvn clean install

Running the project

In the adverts-reporting-service directorty.

$ mvn spring-boot:run


This project automatically reads, parses and persists the any CSV files that are located in adverts-reporting-service/src/main/resources/csv/.

Check H2-console

H2 web console is enabled by default. Persisted data can be seen from following location:


with following configuration:

Key Value
Saved Settings: Generic H2 (Server)
Driver Class: org.h2.Driver
JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:report_db
User Name: alicana
Password: pa$$word

Swagger Api Documentation



General API Information

Parameter Definitions


  • numeric (ranging from 1-12) that map to the corresponding months (1 for January, 2 for February etc)
  • first 3 letters of the month (Jan for January, Feb for February etc)
  • full name of the month (case insensitive)


  • desktop_web
  • mobile_web
  • android
  • iOS
Passing arguments as path variable

Both month and site variables can be passed in the form /reports/{month}/{site}.

Example: Retrieve advertisement data records (incl. metrics) of customer's desktop web app on January.


GET /reports/jan/desktop_web HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Cache-Control: no-cache

Response Code: 200 OK

Response Body:

  "month": "January",
  "site": "desktop_web",
  "requests": 12483775,
  "impressions": 11866157,
  "clicks": 30965,
  "conversions": 7608,
  "revenue": 23555.46,
  "CTR": 0.26,
  "CR": 0.06,
  "fill_rate": 95.05,
  "eCPM": 1.99

Response Headers:

 content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 
 date: Sun, 13 May 2018 19:30:25 GMT 
 transfer-encoding: chunked 
Mixed query string and path variable

month and site variables can be passed in the form /reports/{month}?site=android


GET /reports/february?site=android HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Cache-Control: no-cache

Response: [200 OK]

    "month": "February",
    "site": "android",
    "requests": 8921215,
    "impressions": 8342439,
    "clicks": 22934,
    "conversions": 5347,
    "revenue": 17210.12,
    "CTR": 0.27,
    "CR": 0.06,
    "fill_rate": 93.51,
    "eCPM": 2.06

If site information not provided, the endpoint retrieves all site information and returns aggregated result

Request: (notice absence of "site" attribute)

GET /reports/feb HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Cache-Control: no-cache

Response: [200 OK] (notice site field not included in the resulting object)

    "month": "February",
    "requests": 33969832,
    "impressions": 31322712,
    "clicks": 97742,
    "conversions": 18071,
    "revenue": 62940.15,
    "CTR": 0.31,
    "CR": 0.06,
    "fill_rate": 92.21,
    "eCPM": 2.01
Passing both arguments as query parameter

Reporting service also provides passing parameters in the following form /reports?month=jan&site=iOS

  • If month attribute is absent returns aggregated result in according to site attribute
  • If site attribute is absent returns aggregated result in according to month attribute


GET /reports?month=1&site=desktop_web HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Cache-Control: no-cache

Response: [200 OK]

  "month": "January",
  "site": "desktop_web",
  "requests": 12483775,
  "impressions": 11866157,
  "clicks": 30965,
  "conversions": 7608,
  "revenue": 23555.46,
  "CTR": 0.26,
  "CR": 0.06,
  "fill_rate": 95.05,
  "eCPM": 1.99

Example: Aggregated all months


GET /reports?site=desktop_web HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Cache-Control: no-cache

Response: [200 OK]

    "site": "desktop_web",
    "requests": 23727650,
    "impressions": 22232512,
    "clicks": 71421,
    "conversions": 9064,
    "revenue": 39300.78,
    "CTR": 0.32,
    "CR": 0.04,
    "fill_rate": 93.7,
    "eCPM": 1.77

Error handling

  • Wrong month numeric


GET /reports/177?site=desktop_web HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Cache-Control: no-cache

Response: [400 BAD REQUEST]

    "timestamp": 1526243449336,
    "status": 400,
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "message": "Month [177] is not valid!"
  • Wrong month string


GET /reports/xyZ?site=desktop_web HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Cache-Control: no-cache

Response: [400 BAD REQUEST]

    "timestamp": 1526243593057,
    "status": 400,
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "message": "Month [xyZ] is not valid!"
  • Wrong site attribute


GET /reports/feb?site=iot HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Cache-Control: no-cache


    "timestamp": 1526243643638,
    "status": 400,
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "message": "Unkown site type received:[iot] ! Accepted types: [desktop_web, mobile_web, android, iOS]"