
Full string search in JSON data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Search strings in JSON objects, also deep recursively from versions major than 1.0.2(see /example/example-deep.js)


let Search = require('search-json')
let match = Search.search(query, data, options)


Spaces (' ') in the query string are AND operators, pipes ('|') in the query string are OR operators.


options: {
	deep: false, // Search deep
	keys: [] 	 // Search only in these keys


let Search = require('search-json')

let data = [
		name: 'Carla',
		telephone: '90860284639',
		description: 'friend'
		name: 'Carla',
		telephone: '90860284639',
		description: 'work',
		other: {
			ty: '--deep--'
		name: 'Rita',
		telephone: '56473839',
		description: 'work',
		other: {
			name: 'pippo',
			otherdata: {
				cc: 'secret'
		name: 'Riccarda',
		telephone: '12343253535',
		description: 'mother',
		other: ['francy', 'mauri', {tty: 'serial'}]

/** Case 1
* no deep 
console.log(Search.search('carl', data))
[ { name: 'Carla',
    telephone: '90860284639',
    description: 'friend' },
  { name: 'Carla',
    telephone: '90860284639',
    description: 'work',
    other: { ty: '--deep--' } } ]

/** Case 2
* empty results because no deep
console.log(Search.search('secret', data))

/** Case 3
* empty results because deep but with wrong keys selector
console.log(Search.search('mother', data, {deep: true, keys: ['other']}))

/** Case 3
* deep, search everywhere
console.log(Search.search('serial', data, {deep: true}))
[ { name: 'Riccarda',
    telephone: '12343253535',
    description: 'mother',
    other: [ 'francy', 'mauri', [Object] ] } ]