#World Wize

World Wize is a quiz app about the world. It randomly generates questions about countries regarding:

  • population
  • size of the country
  • longitude and latitude
  • capital cities
  • flags

You can register, start playing and the game saves your score for the next time you log on. Try it out at worldwize.herokuapp.com

It began as an idea to make a game based on the countries of the world, I wanted the game to be fun and addictive. The user was a slightly geeky person who liked to learn, the challenge of getting to the top of the leaderboard would be attractive to them. The user would log on to see what the site is about and then not be able to stop answering questions.

One of the main ideas behind the user story was to make sure the questions were completely random and the quiz would go on indefinitely, thus drawing the user in to keep playing and just answer 'one more question'.

The challenges I faced in making this project were partially in defining the scope of the project.