Accompany code to reproduce the baselines of the International Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Challenge (MuSe 2020). Latest results and up-to-date version: Paper
Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Real-life Media (MuSe) 2020 is a Challenge-based Workshop focusing on the tasks of sentiment recognition, as well as emotion-target engagement and trustworthiness detection.
We present three distinct sub-challenges:
MuSe-Wild, which focuses on continuous emotion (arousal and valence) prediction
MuSe-Topic, in which participants
recognise 10 domain-specific topics as the target of 3-class (low, medium, high) emotions
MuSe-Trust, in which the novel aspect of trustworthiness is to be predicted.
For each sub-challenge, a competitive baseline for participants is set; namely,
on test we report for MuSe-Wild combined (valence and
arousal) CCC of .2568, for MuSe-Topic score (computed as
0.34 x UAR + 0.66 x F1) of 76.78% on the 10-class topic and
40.64% on the 3-class emotion prediction, and for
MuSe-Trust CCC of .4359.
If you use this code, models etc., please cite the following paper:
title={MuSe 2020 Challenge and Workshop: Multimodal Sentiment Analysis, Emotion-target Engagement and Trustworthiness Detection in Real-life Media: Emotional Car Reviews in-the-wild},
author={Stappen, Lukas and Baird, Alice and Rizos, Georgios and Tzirakis, Panagiotis and Du, Xinchen and Hafner, Felix and Schumann, Lea and Mallol-Ragolta, Adria and Schuller, Bjoern W and Lefter, Iulia and others},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International on Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Real-life Media Challenge and Workshop},
Dataset paper:
title={The Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Car Reviews (MuSe-CaR) Dataset: Collection, Insights and Improvements},
author={Stappen, Lukas and Baird, Alice and Schumann, Lea and Schuller, Bj{\"o}rn},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.06053},
Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Real-life Media (MuSe) 2020 is a novel Challenge-based Workshop in which sentiment recognition, as well as emotion-target engagement and trustworthiness detection are the main focus. MuSe aims to provide a testing bed for more extensively exploring the fusion of the audio-visual and language modalities. The core purpose of MuSe is to bring together communities from differing computational disciplines; mainly, the sentiment analysis community (symbol-based), and the audio-visual emotion recognition community (signal-based).
For each Sub-challenge, a series of state-of-the-art approaches have been applied. For both Sub-Challenges MuSe-Wild, and MuSe-Trust, the paradigm is continuous prediction of emotional signals. For this, we have applied a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with self-attention approach, and a deep audio-to-target end-to-end approach. In addition to these models, we use Support Vector Machines (SVMs), a multimodal Transformer and a fine-tuned NLP Transformer Albert to predict the classes of MuSe-Topic.
End-to-End Learning here
As our end-to-end baseline we use End2You; an open-source toolkit for multimodal profiling by end-to-end deep learning. For our purposes, we utilise three modalities, namely, audio, visual, and textual. Our audio model is inspired by a recently proposed emotion recognition model, and is comprised of a convolution recurrent neural network (CRNN). In particular, we use 3 convolution layers to extract spatial features from the raw segments. Our visual information is comprised of the VGGfacefeatures, where we use zero vectors when the face is not detected in a frame. Finally, as text features we use FastText, where we replicate the text features that span across several segments. We concatenate all uni-modal features and feed them to a one layer LSTM to capture the temporal dynamics in the data before the final prediction. Contact:
Early Fusion LSTM-RNN with Self-Attention here
In order to address the sequential nature of the input features, we utilise a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)-RNN based architecture. The input feature sequences are input into two parallel LSTM-RNNs with hidden state dimensionality equal to 40, to encode the two corresponding query and value vector sequences. A self-attention sequence is calculated by means of a query and key dot product using a sequence-wide attention window. The attention and query sequences are then concatenated. For the continuous-time tasks MuSe-Wild and MuSe-Trust, the resulting hidden vector for each time step is further encoded by a feed-forward layer that outputs a one-dimensional prediction sequence per prediction target. For the MuSe-Topic task, we instead apply global max-pooling, to integrate the sequential information into one hidden state vector, which is then input into a feed-forward layer to provide the logits. In the former case, all the input samples are further segmented into 50 time-step sub-segments which are all used for training, whereas in the latter we pad/crop all sequences to 500 steps. Contact:
Multimodal Transformer here
As baseline for the non-sequential predictions of MuSe-Topic, we choose the Multimodal Transformer (MMT) . By using aligned and unaligned vision, language, and audio features for single label prediction, it outperformed state-of-the-art methods in a more text-focused Multimodal Sentiment Analysis setting. MMT merges multimodal timeseries using a feed-forward fusion process consisting of multiple crossmodal Transformer units. At the core of this network architecture are crossmodal attention modules which fuse multimodal features by directly attending to low-level features across all modalities. To predict topics, valence, and arousal we always utilise 3 feature sets, either of our three (tri), or of only two (bi) different modalities fed into the network. We noticed that after approximately 20 epochs the network converged. The model uses 5 crossmodal attention heads and an initial learning rate of 10-3. Contact:
Fine-tuned Albert here
To reflect the current trend towards Transformer language models, such as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) , we include one of the latest versions, Albert :, as a purely text-based baseline model. The authors of Albert proposed parameter reduction techniques, so that the total memory consumption is lower while increasing the training speed. These models supposedly scale better than the original BERT. The architecture is able to achieve state-of-the-art results on several benchmarks, despite having a relatively smaller number of parameters. For our purposes, we found a supervised tuning on the train partition for 3 epochs and balanced class weights to have the best effect. We applied a learning rate of 10-5 for the adjusted Adam Optimiser and set \epsilon to 10-8. With a sequence length of 300, the batch size has to be limited to 12 samples to be trained with 32GB GPU memory. Contact:
Support Vector Machines here
For the task of emotion prediction in the Sub-Challenge MuSe-Topiconly, we choose also to include results obtained through the use of conventional and easily reproducible Support Vector Machines (SVMs). These experiments employ the Scikit-learn toolkit, with a LINEARSVR classifier. No standardisation or normalisation was applied to any of the reported feature sets. The complexity parameter C was always optimised from 10-5 to 1 during the development phase, and the best value for C is reported. In contrast to our other approaches, we retrain the model on a concatenation of the train and development sets to predict the final test set result. Contact:
- openSMILE
- DeepSpectrum
- VGGface
- OpenFace
- Xception
- GoCaR
- OpenPose
- FastText
In the MuSe-WildSub-Challenge, participants are predicting the level of affective dimensions (arousal, and valence) in a time-continuous manner from audio-visual recordings. Valence thereby is strongly linked to the emotional component of the umbrella term of sentiment analysis and is often used interchangeably. Timestamps to enable modality alignment and fusion on word-, sentence-, and utterance-level as well as several acoustic, visual and textual-based features are pre-computed and provided with the challenge package. The evaluation metric for this sub-challenge is concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), which is often used in similar challenges. CCC is a measure of reproducibility and performance, which condenses information on both precision and accuracy, is robust to changes in scale and location, and its theoretical properties to other regression measures, e.g.,(root) mean squared error, are well understood . For the baseline for the MuSe-Wildsub-challenge the mean of arousal and valence is taken.
In the MuSe-TopicSub-challenge, participants are predicting 10-classes of domain-specific (automotive, as given by the chosen database) topics as the target of emotions. In addition, three classes (low, medium, and high) of valence and arousal should be predicted i.e.,for each topic segment, one valence and one arousal value. These classes are the mean value of the temporally aggregated continuous labels of MuSe-Wild, which were divided into three equally sized classes (33%) for each label For this sub-challenge, first, the weighted score combining (0.34) Unweighted Average Recall (UAR) and (0.66) F1 (micro) measures independently for each predictions (Valence, Arousal and Topic) are calculated. We include both these factors to keep our evaluation consistent with previous challenges. Second, the mean of the weighted scores for Valence and Arousal (combined) is calculated. Third, to combine the mean with the topic score the mean rank over all participants ((rank of combined emotions result + rank of topic result)/2) is calculated for the final performance assessment. In case two participants should have the same mean rank, the one with the highest topic rank will be the final winner. We believe that this composite measure is most discriminative to meaningfully showcase performance improvements in emotion and topic prediction, as it places importance on precision and recall, in both a dataset-wide and class-specific manner.
In the MuSe-TrustSub-challenge, participants are predicting a continuous trustworthiness signal from user-generated audio-visual content in a sequential manner and are provided with aligned valence and arousal annotations, which participants are encouraged to explore, in a means of understanding the relationship between emotional labels in depth and at large scale. The evaluation metric for this sub-challenge is concordance correlation coefficient (CCC).
The easiest way is to generate a file with all the model predictions as described on the website and then score it against the aggregated labels. Good examples of how to prepare the format can be found in the muse-topic_models, e.g. multimodal transformer or albert (