
X.Org Compose sequences database with user-friendly interface.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


X.Org Compose sequences database with user-friendly interface.


  • Check this list for completed tasks.
  • Write start script with NODE_ENV support.


  • Write post-install script.
  • Open browser in development.
  • Add Redux support.
  • Add test environment support.
  • Add __PROD__ and __TEST__ global variables.
  • Add __ENV__ global variable.
  • Add support for auto deploy to Git in production environment.
  • Add testing support.
    • Choose right testing framework.
    • How to test React components?
  • Test async/await support:
    • In Babel.
  • Write EditorConfig.
  • Finish start script with 0 code on Ctrl+C.
    • Check if concurrently passes Ctrl+C to subsequent tasks.
    • If passes, end webpack and WDS correctly.
  • Add names to concurrently tasks.
  • Add linters:
    • TS.
    • LESS.
    • Pug?
    • JSON?
  • Add imagemin support.
  • Add @font-face generator.
  • Add font subsetting support.
  • Fix source maps.
  • Configure debugging in IDEA.
    • Configure profiling in IDEA?
  • Check await-loader compat w/ webpack 2.
    • Fix plugin if incompatible.
  • Fix issue with HUSL colors in LESS.
  • Configure typings for dependencies.
  • Get rid of extra config files:
    • .babelrc.
    • postcss.config.js.
    • tsconfig.json.
  • Licensing:
    • Check dependencies licenses.
    • Choose right license.
  • Write font subset analyzer script:
    • Server:
      • /put:
        • project : string.
        • stack : string.
        • weight : number = 400.
        • style : string = 'normal'.
        • variant : string = 'normal'.
        • stretch : string = 'normal'.
        • symbols : string.
        • Returns void.
      • /get:
        • project : string.
        • Returns array of:
          • stack : string.
          • weight : number.
          • style : string.
          • varianr : string.
          • stretch : string.
          • symbols : string.
    • Client:
      • Describe client API.