
An intro application for interacting with MadNetwork

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hello World

This App is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.



$ yarn

Environment Setup

In the project root folder rename the file dotenv to .env.

Docusaurus Config

Make sure to update the docusaurus.config.js file to reflect your project details.

const config = {
    organizationName: 'alicenet', // Usually your GitHub org/user name.
    projectName: 'hello-world', // Usually your repo name.
    presets: [
                docs: {
                    // Please change this to your repo.
                    editUrl: 'https://github.com/alicenet/hello-world/',

Local Development

$ yarn start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.


$ yarn build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.


Using SSH:

$ USE_SSH=true yarn deploy

Not using SSH:

$ GIT_USER=<Your GitHub username> yarn deploy

If you are using GitHub pages for hosting, this command is a convenient way to build the website and push to the gh-pages branch.