Its a Kotlin Project that use as server to request Movies and Series, sorted by Popularity, and Rated. Using coroutines the heavi woth is isolated into IO Thread.
y DAOs
and Entity models
for Locale persostance. Its need to support offline management.
y Interceptor
for call remote API Remote. used to interact with the REST API.
Its related with the data source of the layer for network or local data.
- Used MVVM with LiveData
- Use ViewModel
- Use DataBinding
Complete dagger implementation because of @Binds (Modules are ready)
Add unittesting.
Add Domain layer related to the logic for use cases.
Add Data sources
- It use Materia design menu at the botton using 2 tabs - BottomNavigationView Note: Material Design suggest to user 3 or 4 opcions
- Used a CardView to see the cataloge itemss.
- Used SVG icons to keep the resolution
- Used Constraint Layout to avoid over drawing, and improve the distribution of the Views in the XML
- Coil Library to display image resources from assets or url.
- Used Navigation Components and safe args.