- App requires internet connection
- create in the root of the project the file named api.properties and add the field API_KEY="Wheather_appid"that is taken from https://openweathermap.org/api or user the key suggest in the assigment description.
Its an split scree that has a map wirh markers inside that can be added when the user touch the map, or cancelled when the user confirm action after press any marker in the map. The list of markers is selectable than when. you clicked on, you can navigate to cityWeather screen and find weather data from place location (lat/longitude)
CityWeather :
Has a Search Bar for search weather by location name, for example Bogota. When the user search a place, then the user will se the weather info for today and 7 days later
Help :
Has a Webview with the instructions how to use the app
- Screen where the user can select a measure system (Imperial, Metric) to get values from the server
- User can delere all the markers
- Android X Preference
- Data Binding
- Navigation Component
- Room
- Retrofit2
- Coroutines
- Flow
- Glide