Giving back little gifts of code 🎁
24 Pull Requests is a yearly initiative to encourage developers around the world to send 24 pull requests between December 1st and December 24th.
This is the site to help promote the project, highlighting why, how and where to send your pull requests.
Over 180 different people have contributed to the project, you can see them all here:
Source hosted at GitHub. Report issues/feature requests on GitHub Issues. Follow us on Twitter @24pullrequests. We also hangout on Gitter.
New to Ruby? No worries! You can follow these instructions to install a local server, or you can use the included Vagrant setup.
First things first, you'll need to install Ruby 2.3.3. I recommend using the excellent rbenv, and ruby-build
rbenv install 2.3.3
rbenv global 2.3.3
Next, you'll need to make sure that you have PostgreSQL installed. This can be done easily on OSX using Homebrew or by using Please see these further instructions for installing Postgres via Homebrew.
brew install postgres phantomjs
On Debian-based Linux distributions you can use apt-get to install Postgres:
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev
On Windows, you can use the Chocolatey package manager to install Postgres:
choco install postgresql
Now, let's install the gems from the Gemfile
("Gems" are synonymous with libraries in other
gem install bundler && rbenv rehash
bundle install
Once all the gems are installed, we'll need to create the databases and tables. Rails makes this easy through the use of "Rake" tasks.
bundle exec rake db:create:all
bundle exec rake db:migrate
And we can also add some sample data with the seed task.
bundle exec rake db:seed
If you are working on anything related to the email-generation code, you can use MailCatcher. Since we use Bundler, please read the following before using MailCatcher.
Almost there! Now all we have to do is start up the Rails server and point our browser to http://localhost:3000
bundle exec rails s
The included Vagrant setup uses Ansible as provisioner. First, you'll need to install the dependencies:
Windows Users: Ansible does not support Windows as controller machine, but there's a little hack in the Vagrantfile that will allow you to run the provision using a local SSH connection Guest-Guest. Just install Vagrant and VirtualBox, and you should be able to get it running.
Once you have everything installed, go to the project directory via console and run:
$ vagrant up
The first time you run vagrant up
, the process will take several minutes, since it will download a box and run all necessary tasks to get the server ready. When the process
is finished, log in to run the rails dev server:
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant
$ bundle exec rails s -b
Then you should be able to access the application through your regular browser at
Simply edit the files in the project directory using your favorite editor on your host machine and the changes will be automatically reflected in the /vagrant
directory inside the guest virtual machine and so you can see the changes on your browser.
Standard RSpec/Capybara tests are used for testing the application. The tests can be run with bundle exec rake
You can set up the test environment with bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
, which will create the test DB and populate its schema automatically. You don't need to do this for every test run, but it will let you easily keep up with migrations. If you find a large number of tests are failing you should probably run this.
If you are using the omniauth environment variables (GITHUB_KEY, GITHUB_SECRET, TWITTER_KEY, TWITTER_SECRET) for another project, you will need to either
- unset them before running your tests or
- reset the omniauth environment variables after creating a GitHub (omniauth) application for this project
as it will use it to learn more about the developers and for pull requests.
bundle exec figaro install
Or for more information about using figaro, see
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Copyright (c) 2016 Andrew Nesbitt. See LICENSE for details.