[bug] CV_DbgAssert is raised in cvRecordedCany() ( Maybe buffer overrun )
DDDsasaki opened this issue · 3 comments
Describe the bug
CV_DbgAssert is raised in cvRecordedCany() ( Maybe buffer overrun )
To Reproduce
I have read https://cctag.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/usage.html and wrote test code.
int main(void) {
const std::size_t nCrowns = 3;
cctag::Parameters params(nCrowns);
cv::Mat src = cv::imread("01.png");
cv::Mat graySrc;
cv::cvtColor(src, graySrc, CV_BGR2GRAY);
// choose a cuda pipe
const int pipeId = 0;
// on arbitrary id for the frame
const int frameId = 0;
// process the image
boost::ptr_list<cctag::ICCTag> markers;
cctag::cctagDetection(markers, pipeId, frameId, graySrc, params); // CV_DbgAssert is raised HERE!!
- 01.png is CCTag sample file ( https://github.com/alicevision/CCTag/blob/develop/sample/01.png )
- environment ( summary )
- Windows 10
- Visual Studio 2022
- CCTag 1.0.1 via vcpkg
- Debug x64 build
- debug run on Visual Studio 2022
- then CV_DbgAssert is raised
Expected behavior
CV_DbgAssert is not raised.
Desktop (please complete the following and other pertinent information):
- OS: Windows 10
- Cuda version (if relevant) : not used
- Other dependencies version (if relevant)
- Build system: Visual Studio 2022
- vcpkg version: 611804964272028b346369caac76dd35a5e084cb
- vcpkg triplet: x64-windows
- CCTag version: 1.0.1 ( vcpkg )
vcpkg.json is below
"name": "use-cctag",
"version": "0.0.1",
"dependencies": [
"builtin-baseline": "611804964272028b346369caac76dd35a5e084cb",
"overrides": [
{ "name": "cctag", "version": "1.0.1" }
Additional context
In CCTag code, I found the buffer overrn. (may be...)
178 : for( i = 0; i <= size.height; i++ ) // Maybe buffer overrun
179 : {
180 : int* _mag = mag_buf[( i > 0 ) + 1] + 1;
181 : const short* _imgDX = imgDX.ptr<short>(i); // CV_DbgAssert HERE
It seems the for-loop should be
178 : for( i = 0; i < size.height; i++ )
note: If release build, CV_DbgAssert is ignored.
Thank you.
I have found that this issue is resolved at commit 9c3de8d.
I hope version 1.0.2 will be released.
I hope version 1.0.2 will be released.
it's done
I hope version 1.0.2 will be released.
it's done
Thank you !