Problem running build/src/detection -n 3 -i sample/01.png
Akumar201 opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the problem
While installing CCTag library I am currently at CMake configuration and using the following command
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j nproc
While running the command - $ build/src/detection -n 3 -i sample/01.png
I am getting an error -
bash: build/src/detection: No such file or directory
Error log
[ 76%] Linking CXX shared library ../Linux-x86_64/
[ 76%] Built target CCTag
Scanning dependencies of target detection
Scanning dependencies of target regression
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable ../../../../Linux-x86_64/geometry_ellipse
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable ../../../Linux-x86_64/cctag_fitEllipse
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable ../../Linux-x86_64/detection
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable ../../Linux-x86_64/regression
[ 87%] Built target cctag_fitEllipse
[ 89%] Built target geometry_ellipse
[ 95%] Built target regression
[100%] Built target detection
computer name i:~/c++/new_tag/CCTag/build$ build/src/detection -n 3 -i sample/01.png
bash: build/src/detection: No such file or directory
Desktop (please complete the following and other pertinent information):
- Ubuntu 20.04
Additional context
In addition to this I would like to know can I use these tags for detection of position as Arucko Marker
./Linux-x86_64/detection -n 3 -i sample/01.png
Thank you ! I was getting an error and posting it for helping anyone else
~/c++/new_tag/CCTag/build$ ./Linux-x86_64/detection -n 3 -i sample/01.png
You called ./Linux-x86_64/detection with:
--input sample/01.png
--nbrings 3
The input file "sample/01.png" is missing
I moved the sample folder to the build to run it