
SfM Camera trajectory quality evaluation

Primary LanguagePython

SfM Camera trajectory quality evaluation

Those datasets can be used to evaluate the SfM camera trajectory quality found by AliceVision.


1. Update the OPENMVG_SFM_BIN and OPENMVG_GLOBAL_SFM_BIN directory path in EvaluationLauncher.py
   - Use full path (linux user must use /home/user/...)
2. Launch the benchmark evaluation
$ python EvaluationLauncher.py ./GT_DATASET ./GT_DATASET_out

3. Look to results
  - open ExternalCalib_Report.html files in ./GT_DATASET_out

"dense multi-view stereo"

  - http://cvlabwww.epfl.ch/data/multiview/
  - C. Strecha, W. von Hansen, L. Van Gool, P. Fua, U. Thoennessen
    "On Benchmarking Camera Calibration and Multi-View Stereo for High Resolution Imagery"
     CVPR 2008.

   * Compress image from png to LosslessJPEG (318.9MB => 261.3MB)
   * rename .png.camera to .jpg.camera
   * Intrinsic camera to use (K matrix):