
simple tool that outputs Github's issues as json or csv.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Github Issues Exporter

simple command tool that outputs Github's issues as json or csv.


require Python 3.x and recommend pipenv


pipenv install


pipenv shell
./github_issues_export.py owner repo options...


pipenv run start owner repo options...


usage: github_issues_export.py [-h] [--csv] [--count] [--token TOKEN]
                               [-s {open,closed,all}] [-l LABELS]
                               [-m MILESTONE] [-a ASSIGNEE]
                               owner repo

github issues export tool

positional arguments:
  owner                 owner of the github repository
  repo                  repository name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --csv                 get issues as csv (default: false, return as json)
  --count               get only count (default: false)
  --token TOKEN         github auth token (for authentication required)
  -s {open,closed,all}, --state {open,closed,all}
                        the state of the issues (open||closed||all)
  -l LABELS, --labels LABELS
                        A list of comma separated label names
  -m MILESTONE, --milestone MILESTONE
                        specify milestone number (number is on web url). or
                        '*' specified, return issues that any milestone are
                        setted. If 'none' is specified, issues without
                        milestones are returned.
  -a ASSIGNEE, --assignee ASSIGNEE
                        Can be the name of a user. Pass in none for issues
                        with no assigned user, and * for issues assigned to
                        any user.

