
~2800 sentences, naively sorted

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hindi sentences

This is just a quick script to sort a corpus of Hindi/English sentences by 'frequency'.

The original sentences come from a shared Anki deck here. I exported the deck to .tsv from Anki (checked in here as sentences.tsv). Then I sorted them by 'frequency rank' by counting up word frequencies in this corpus and assigning an average frequency rank to each sentence. Then the sentences are sorted in descending order, so the highest-scoring sentences (meaning sentences which have the more frequent words) appear earlier.

I made no effort to do anything fancy with word counting, so for instance करता, करती, and करना are all treated as separate words even though they are different forms of the same verb. I think it works well enough without bothering to get that complicated.

The results are checked in as sorted_sentences.tsv. This should be suitable for importing into Anki or for using in any other language learning software.