For HHA507 Assignment 5: AHI Microcourse Visualization
- Recreate the ipynb demonstrated in the microcourse
- Practice visualizations
- Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
- Loading in packages: Pandas
- Loading in packages: Numpy
- Loading in packages: Seaborn, Matplotlib, and Plotly
- Importing Data
- Describing the dataset (Len, shape, variables)
- Describing the variables
- Getting counts of categorical values (value_counts)
- Transforming features
- Pandas to_datetime() function
- Filtering rows by creating lists
- Filtering rows by date
- Keeping only columns/features we want
- Outcome variables (hospitalizations, deaths, new cases)
- Total COVID cases by MONTH - cumulative counts
- Pivot table - cases by month for five counties
- Seaborn Barplot - COVID cases by month
- Seaborn Barplot - COVID cases by month by county
- Plotly - COVID cases by month
- Total COVID cases by DAY - cumulative counts
- Pivot tables - cases by day for five counties
- Creating filters (startdate and enddate) for day time field
- Filter gut check - looking at single county between April 26, 2020 and May 9, 2020
- Seaborn Barplot - COVID cases by day
- Seaborn Barplot - COVID cases by day by county
- Plotly - COVID cases by day by county
- Understanding we need to transform outcome variables together to replicate chart
- Looking at new hospitalizations
- Plotly chart that combines new hospitalizations, new deaths, and new COVID cases