HHA504 / Assignment 8 / Cloud-managed SQL DB + ERD + Dummy Data
- create a cloud-managed MySQL db on GCP
- use python to create tables in sql and reproduce relationships between tables without repeating commands
- experiment with various methods of using MySQL (remote mysql instance, local using MySQL client, MySQL workbench)
- create an ERD using MySQL Workbench
- create realistic patient dummy data using the faker python package
Note: Initially, I manually created dummy patient data to insert into the tables in my db/ However, I have since revised the python scripts to utilize the faker package to auto-generate realistic dummy patient data into my tables. I have included screenshots of my old dummy data versus my new dummy data in my old images folder.
- How I setup and connect my GCP Compute Engine VM Instance to a MySQL dev env
- How I setup a GCP MySQL Instance
- How I setup MySQL Workbench
- Lists the corresponding dependencies for each module
Log back into mysql server, create, verify new db using:
mysql -u root -h [MySQL instance IP address] -p password create database patient_portal; show databases \G;
Change into new db directory to create a table:
Use patient_portal;
Packages Used:
import dbm import pandas as pd import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy import create_engine from dotenv import load_dotenv # pip install python-dotenv import os
Create tables (various methods):
If using MySQL Workbench: Paste raw SQL Query into workbench
If using terminal: Run code through instance console or local cmd terminal using MySQL client
production_patients production_medications production_conditions production_treatment_procedures production_social_determinants
Lines 79 to 90 in d5c2d84
id int auto_increment: is the index, auto generates ID variables
PRIMARY KEY (id): must define PRIMARY KEY or defaults to first line
Verify that tables have been created within MySQL console
In MySQL Workbench:
Refresh "Tables" tab under Schema
In SQL Instance Terminal:
show tables;
Resources Used to Obtain Real codes:
Packages Used:
import dbm import pandas as pd import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy import create_engine from dotenv import load_dotenv import os from faker import Faker # https://faker.readthedocs.io/en/master/ import uuid # used to generate mrn numbers import random # creates randomness
Use .csv of ICD10, NDC, CPT, LOINC codes to insert real codes to corresponding tables.
- Take 1000 random codes and create a new df
- Drop duplicate codes to create uniqueness
Lines 61 to 99 in d5c2d84
Insert fake patients
Lines 130 to 141 in d5c2d84
Insert fake conditions (ICD10 codes)
Lines 146 to 167 in d5c2d84
Create fake patient conditions and insert randomly to patients
Lines 170 to 201 in d5c2d84
Repeat for medications, treatment procedures, and social determinants table
Verify tables are created in MYSQL Console
show tables;
Must have at least two foreignKeys representing a relationship between at least 2 tables.
Shows the rows and columns in created within the tables
Shows elevated perspective of Schemas view
In MySQL Workbench, select:
Database > Reverse Engineer Loads host credentials and enter password Select db patient_portal Select Import MYSQL Table Objects Check: Place imported objects on a diagram Execute Select: Reverse Engineer Selected Objects and Place Objects on Diagram Reorganize diagram using drag Save and Export as .PNG
- screen shot of a ERD of your proposed setup (use either popSQL or mysql work bench)
- screen shot of you connected to the sql server, performing the following two queries:
- Query1: show databases (e.g., show databases;)
- Query2: all of the tables from your database (e.g., show tables;)
- Query3: select * from patient_portal.medications
- Query4: select * from patient_portal.treatment_procedures
- Query5: select * from patient_portal.conditions
- Hot Backups: Read Replicas on GCP, immediately jump into 2nd database
- Cold Backups: Typically .csv files that needs to be deployed to another mysql env