
Fancy start screen for zsh! Inspired by vim-startify.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


You can also use it in a more minimal configuration, like this:

This is a fancy start screen for zsh. After starting a terminal session, it will:

  • Start a tmux server if it's not already running
  • Allow you to easily attach to any tmux sessions
  • Allow you to easily create new tmux sessions
  • Allow you to quickly launch a zsh session, by Ctrl-C'ing or Ctrl-D'ing out of the prompt.


The recommended installation method is through PyPi:

$ pip3 install zsh-startify
$ echo "zsh-startify" >> ~/.zshrc

But, if you'd like to install it manually:

$ git clone git@github.com:alichtman/zsh-startify.git && cd zsh-startify
$ python3 setup.py install
$ echo "zsh-startify" >> ~/.zshrc

Note: This tool depends on Python 3.6+. You can check what version you have with:

$ python3 --version
Python 3.7.4


This tool comes with sensible defaults. No configuration is necessary, however, the following settings may be changed in your ~/.zshrc file:

    • This is the Figlet font that the header text will be printed in.
    • Default: univers. Accepts any Figlet font.
    • This string will be printed as the header.
    • Default: zsh. Accepts any string.
    • Set this environment variable to not print the splash screen.
    • Default: Not set. If set to anything, the splash screen will not be printed.
    • Set this environment variable to not display the action picking menu.
    • Default: Not set. If set to anything, the interactive menu will not be displayed.

An example of this could be:

export ZSH_STARTIFY_HEADER_TEXT="custom-header"

Minimal Configuration

I found myself using this minimal configuration often:


I put this in my .zshrc, and found that Python was too slow to be running every time I opened a new shell. I rewrote it in bash for performance benefits of around half a second. You can find the script here: tls.sh.

tmux Integration

This works best when used with these two tmux plugins:


I've used vim-startify a lot. I figured it was time for zsh and tmux to have a similar tool.