I used Create React App to quickly create a React environment.
Much of the code in this project is generated by this tool. The code I added can mostly be found inside src/components
For my CSS I have used CSS Modules
Prerequisite: The following backend API should be running locally https://github.com/mediasuitenz/client-coding-exercise/blob/master/README.md
- Clone this repo:
$ git clone git@github.com:alichur/trending-articles.git
- Move into the directory and install the dependencies:
$ cd trending-articles
$ npm i
- Launch the application:
$ npm start
- The application can now be viewed at
Note, this application runs on port 3001. If this port is clashing with another running application in your environment it can be changed inside package.json
'start' script.
I stopped developing before finishing this assignment in an attempt to stick to the suggested time limit of 2 hours. As a result there are a few remaining tasks:
- After clicking article title it should route to new page and display article (rather than temporary alert box)
- Need to handle errors and non-200 responses for fetch with styled user friendly error
- API string should be stored in a const and not repeated. Perhaps move API code into external service
- Header, footer, nice scroll animation
- Media query to display articles side by side for desktop, and hover effects for mouseover.
- General formatting, removal of console statements, replacing ternary logic statements with clearer logic paths.