CF 16: Basic Auth

Submission Instructions

  • fork this repository & create a new branch for your work
  • write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-susan
  • push to your repository
  • submit a pull request to this repository
  • submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • write a question and observation on canvas

Learning Objectives

  • students will be able to create basic authorization middleware
  • students will be able to test basic authorization for signup/signin routes



  • package.json
  • .gitignore
  • .env

Feature Tasks

  • create the following directories to organize your code:
    • lib
    • model
    • route
    • test
  • create an HTTP server using express
  • using mongoose, create a User model with the following properties and options:
    • username - required and unique
    • email - required and unique
    • password - required - this must be hashed and can not be stored as plain text
  • use the express Router to create a custom router for allowing users to sign up and sign in
  • use the npm dotenv module to house the following environment variables:
    • PORT
    • APP_SECRET (used for signing and verify tokens)

Server Endpoints


  • POST request
  • the client should pass the username and password in the body of the request
  • the server should respond with an object containing user information, without any property representing any for of a users password. Return info like {username: 'programmer42', email: ''}
  • the server should respond with 400 Bad Request to a failed request


  • GET request
  • the client should pass the username and password to the server using a Basic: authorization header
  • the server should respond with some secret information for authenticated users.
  • the server should respond with 401 Unauthorized for non-authenticated users.


  • create a test that will ensure that your API returns a status code of 404 for any routes that have not been registered
  • /api/signup
    • POST - test 400, if no request body has been provided or the body is invalid
    • POST - test 200, if the request body has been provided and is valid
  • /api/signin
    • GET - test 401, if the user could not be authenticated
    • GET - test 200, responds with protected information for a request with a valid basic authorization header