CF 18: Image Uploads w/ AWS S3

Submission Instructions

  • Fork this repository & create a new branch for your work
  • Write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-susan
  • Push to your repository
  • Submit a pull request to this repository
  • Submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • Write a question and observation on canvas

Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to upload static assets to AWS S3
  • Students will be able to retrieve a cdn url that contains the previously uploaded static asset
  • Students will be able to work with secret and public access keys



  • package.json
  • .gitignore


  • Create an AWS account
  • Create an AWS Access Key and Secret
    • Add the Access Key and Secret to your .env file
  • Create a new model that represents a file type that you want to store on AWS S3
    • Examples: .mp3, .mp4, .png, etc
  • Create a test that uploads one of these files to your route
  • Store a reference to the uploaded file in your database
  • Use the aws-sdk to assist with uploading
  • Use multer to parse the file upload request

Server Endpoint

  • POST - /api/resource/:resourceID/new-resource


  • POST - 200 - test that the upload worked and a resource object is returned

Stretch Goals

  • DELETE route - /api/resource/:resourceID/new-resource/:new-resourceID

  • Test: DELETE - 204 - test to ensure the object was deleted from s3

  • Try using the deleteObject method provided by the aws-sdk to delete an object (file) from S3

    • Tou will need to pass in a params object that contains the associated Bucket and AWS object key in order to delete the object from s3
    • Example:
    var params = {
      Bucket: 's3-bucket-name',
      Key: 'object-filename'
  • Don't forget to remove the resource from the DB