CF 26: Cowsay "React"

Submission Instructions

  • Work in a fork of this repository
  • Work in a branch on your fork
  • Write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-duncan
  • Submit a pull request to this repository
  • Submit a link to your pull request on canvas
  • Submit a question, observation, and how long you spent on canvas

Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to configure webpack to compile JS into a bundle
  • Students will be able to configure webpack to compile sass into a bundle
  • Students will be able to configure babel to transpile JSX and ES6 to ES5 javscript
  • Students will be able to create and render react components to the DOM
  • Students will be able to add event listeners to react components
  • Students will be able to update react component state



Your lab directory must include

  • -- with a documention about your lab
  • .gitignore -- with a robust gitignore
  • .babelrc -- with all dependencies and dev-dependencies
  • package.json -- with all dependencies and dev-dependencies
  • webpack.config.js -- with webpack config
  • src/ -- conating the frontend code
  • src/main.js -- containing the entire app
  • src/style -- containing your sass
  • src/style/main.scss -- containing the frontend code

Feature Tasks

Create the following component

  • Should contain the entire application's view and state
  • Should have a property on the state called content
  • Should create a view with the following display
    • A heading with the title "Generate Cowsay Lorem"
    • A Button that displays "click me"
      • onClick the button should generate new content on the app state using cowsay and faker
    • A pre tag that displays the App's state's content


Write a description of the project in your

Stretch Goals

  • add a select menu that enables you to change the type of cowfile currently being used