wBox Forms - Tailwind Components

this library is extension for wbox-forms library, its provide set of ready to use components that use tailwindcss library for styling.

the supported elements are :

  • Text
  • Password
  • Select
  • Checkbox
  • RadioButton
  • TextArea
  • Date
  • Time
  • DateTime


npm install wbox-forms-tailwindcss
// or using yarn
yarn add wbox-forms-tailwindcss


const colors = [
    {text: 'Red', value: 'red'},
    {text: 'Blue', value: 'blue'},
    {text: 'Green', value: 'green'}

    <TextField name={'name'}/>
    <PasswordField name={'password'}/>
    <DateField name={'date'}/>
    <TimeField name={'time'}/>
    <DateTimeField name={'datetime'}/>
    <SelectField name={'color'} options={colors}/>
    <Checkbox name={'checkbox'} text={'Test Checkbox'}/>
    <RadioButton name={'radio'} options={colors}/>
    <TextArea name={'message'} rows={5} placeholder={'Message...'}/>


we provide four types of themes:

  • Simple
  • UnStyled
  • Solid
  • Underlined

by default Simple Theme is used, you can change theme by wrapping the form (or the entire application) with ThemeProvider component. you also can define your own theme by creating a theme object that applies to the Theme interface.

import { simpleTheme, solidTheme, unStyledTheme, underlinedTheme, Theme } from "wbox-forms-tailwwindcss";    

const myCustomTheme : Theme = {...};

<ThemeProvider value={PUT_THE_THEME_HERE}>
    <App />


we provide two form factories that you can use to help you build forms from configuration only

const simpleFormFactory = new SimpleFormFactory();
const configuration = {
    formConfig: {...},
    fieldConfig: {
        username: {
            type: 'text',
            fieldConfig: {
                name: 'username',
                label: 'Username',
        password: {
            type: 'password',
            fieldConfig: {
                name: 'password',
                label: 'Password',
    extraOptions: {
        button: {
            text: 'Login'

return simpleFormFactory.create(configuration);

we provide:

  • SimpleFormFactory (checkout the examples)
  • TableLayoutFormFactory (checkout the examples)


here is the default values we've added

    checkboxOrientation: 'horizontal',
    radioButtonOrientation: 'horizontal',
    layout: {
        table: {
            spaceWidth: 16,
            labelAlignments: "center",
            labelWidth: 120
        simple: {},
        shared: {
            buttonPosition: "end"
    classNameBuilder: () => new DefaultClassNameBuilder()

but you can change theme by wrapping your form (or entire application) with DefaultsProvider component.

<DefaultsProvider value={MY_DEFAULT_VALUES}>
    <App />