Recommendation System


Welcome to the documentation of my recommendation system project. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the creation, evaluation, improvement, and deployment of my recommendation system. My aim was to build a robust recommendation system that enhances user experiences in an e-commerce environment. The system encompasses three distinct recommendation types: "Recommended for You," "Similar Items," and "Frequently Bought Together." These recommendations are generated through collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, and frequent itemset mining techniques.

Development Process

My development process was meticulously planned and executed, involving data cleaning, exploration, algorithm implementation, evaluation, and deployment. The stages of development include:

  • Understanding the Data: I delved into the provided e-commerce dataset, identifying discrepancies, missing values, and potential issues.
  • Data Preprocessing: I cleaned the dataset by addressing missing values, canceled orders, negative quantities, and zero-unit prices.
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Visualizations uncovered patterns, customer behaviors, and sales trends, guiding subsequent stages.
  • Recommendation Generation: Collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, and frequent itemset mining techniques were employed to generate personalized suggestions.
  • Evaluation and Metrics: The recommendation system's performance was evaluated using precision, recall, and Mean Average Precision (MAP).
  • Deployment: The recommendation system was deployed as interactive Flask apps, allowing users to interact with recommendations.
  • Documentation: This comprehensive document showcases the development process, results, analysis, and insights.

Data Cleaning and Exploration

My data cleaning and exploration phase involved:

  • Addressing Missing Values: I removed rows with missing values to ensure data quality.
  • Handling Canceled Orders: Canceled orders and negative quantities were excluded to maintain data integrity.
  • Eliminating Zero Unit Prices: Entries with zero-unit prices were removed for data consistency.
  • Managing Duplicate Entries: Duplicate entries were identified and removed to ensure accurate analyses.
  • Data Type Corrections: Data types were adjusted for accuracy and consistency.
  • Ensuring Unique Descriptions: A dictionary mapping 'StockCode' to the most common 'Description' was created for consistency.

Recommendation Generation

My recommendation system generates three types of recommendations:

Recommended for You

  1. User-Item Interaction Matrix: A matrix represents interactions between users and items.
  2. Similarity Calculation: User similarity is computed based on interactions.
  3. Neighborhood Selection: Similar users form a "neighborhood."
  4. Item Ranking: Items are ranked based on user neighbors' interactions.
  5. Final Recommendations: Top-ranked items are recommended, avoiding redundancy.

Similar Items

  1. Item-Item Similarity Matrix: A matrix represents item similarities.
  2. Item Similarity Calculation: Item similarity metrics are calculated.
  3. Item Ranking: Items are ranked based on similarity scores.
  4. Recommendation Generation: Top-ranked similar items are recommended.

Frequently Bought Together

  1. Purchase History Data: User purchase histories capture multiple-item transactions.
  2. Frequent Itemset Mining: Frequent itemsets are identified using algorithms.
  3. Association Rule Generation: Association rules express item relationships.
  4. Confidence and Support: Rules are evaluated using confidence and support.
  5. Recommendation Generation: High-confidence rules inform recommendations.

Implementation and Deployment

I developed interactive Flask apps to showcase my recommendation system's functionality:

  • Recommended for You App: Provides personalized recommendations based on user preferences and interactions.
  • Similar Items App: Allows users to explore items similar to their selected product.
  • Frequently Bought Together App: Suggests items frequently purchased alongside a selected item.


Building these recommendation systems has deepened my understanding of data science and machine learning. I'm excited to contribute, learn more, and drive innovation and success.

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