
In this repository, you can find pytorch based computer vision code which can be used for data with multiple channels

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pytorch Multichannel Image Classification

In this repository, you can find PyTorch based image classification code which can be used for data with any number of channels. This is in general important as some applications such as satellite imagery or biomedical imaging can contain more than 3 channels of information.


  • configs: includes the config files
  • data_loaders: includes the dataset and dataloders
  • sample_data: example of MNIST as well as Reconstructing cell cycle progression for running the code
  • sample_output: example of output files for a LeNet architecture
  • eval: code for predicting over a new dataset
  • losses: code for loss functions
  • models: code for different models, characteristics of the models and their feature extration
  • optimizers: code for optimizeritation functions
  • losses: code for loss functions
  • tensorboard_writer: includes the methods for tensorboard as well as saving results
  • train: includes the methods for training the model, calculating the metircs as well as the learning rate scheduler

Input parameters

For using this code, you need to use the config file following information:

  • data_dir : directory of the images in their corresponding folders (each folder is a class) (format: str)
  • test_data_dir : directory of the test set images in their corresponding folders (each folder is a class) (defualt: None, format: str)
  • batch_size: Batch size
  • validation_split: percentage of train-validation split
  • data_map: list of the maps which can be used for mapping data from one range to another. In case [] is passed, no transformation will be done on the data. At the moment, possible options are: normalize, map_zero_one and map_minus_one_to_one
  • augmentation: list which can be used for data augemtnation, at the moment the options are ["random_crop", "random_rotation", "random_flip"]. In case there is no need for augmentation, you can pass []
  • test_split: percentage of test vs train-validation split (It will be discarded if the test_data_dir is None)
  • tensorboard_path: path to save tensorboard as well as other outputs
  • file_extension: file extension which exists in the data, for example .png
  • checkpoint: the path, for transfer learning. In case it is not passed it will not be considered. The checkpoint should include: 'epoch', model.state_dict(), optimizer.state_dict() and the loss.
  • model_name: the used architecture. The name should be exactly the same from the file models.py:
  • num_epochs: Number of epochs
  • device: It can be cpu or cuda. I have intentionally kept this option and the code does not look if cuda exists
  • optimization_parameters: a dictionary including the options which are needed for the optimizers.py
  • optimization_method: name of the optimizer in the file optimizers.py
  • loss_function: name of the loss function in the file losses.py
  • metrics_of_interest: list of metrics which should be trace. They should be same as the metrics in the files metrics.py
  • call_back: dictionary of parameters which are needed for early stopping as well as saving models. It includes saving_period which indicates how many epochs are the models are saved. patience which the model can tolerate not getting improved as well as the criteria which we look at for best model selection. The criteria must be one of the metrics_of_interest.

Running the Code

For running this code, it is enough to just pass the config file and run the main.py. For testing whether the code works or not, you can use the folder sample_data which includes MNIST dataset with two channels (the second channel is artificially created)

python main.py --config ./configs/sample_config.json


This code is based Python 3.7.6 (Anaconda) using these libraries:

  • torch=='1.4.0'
  • tensorboard=='2.1.0'
  • pandas=='1.0.0'
  • sklearn=='0.22.1'
  • skimage=='0.16.2'
  • pillow=='6.2.0'

Naming Convention

Each run is named using multiple conditions to be able to distinguish their results. The naming is based on:



  • add documentation on the github
  • add documentation on the code
  • update the dataloader to be able to get different file formats
  • add options for augmentation from the config file
  • add GRAD-CAM
  • add steps for data_map
  • add tensorboard
  • add config tracker in tensorboard
  • add pr-cruve
  • add saving matplotlib saving using tensorboard
  • add more metrics
  • add saving models
  • add transfer learning
  • add data augmentation
  • add early stopping
  • add feature extration
  • add batch size for faster model evaluation
  • add scaling for data
  • add folder for test data
  • add logging
  • add learning rate scheduler
  • change the structure of the input config
  • add true false for every tensorboard module
  • create a package
  • refactor the code with new structure
  • document the new code
  • grid search