A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
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- 1
[BUG] Won't delete homebrew data after deleting app that gets detected with sentinel monitor
#214 opened by apfelbaum021 - 1
How to use it on macOS 12?
#212 opened by j1406493495 - 3
[FR] --zap Stanza Homebrew
#210 opened by YoshiYoshi360 - 4
Excluding multiple files?
#209 opened by rebop - 5
[FR] Don't kill the terminal
#205 opened by tugcanolgun - 3
- 1
- 1
[FR] App updater
#206 opened by Romachamp - 4
[BUG] Critical errors occurred while listing target files for deletion after selecting the application
#199 opened by Hyun-June-Choi - 3
[BUG] Application identification error
#201 opened by ZhongxuTang - 4
- 1
Mojave version!
#202 opened by gcpmusic - 1
Update removed PearCleaner
#200 opened by rebop - 5
- 4
[FR] Select multiple items in the UI
#195 opened by NeckBeardPrince - 6
[BUG] Sentinel Monitor not working after reboot the machine (Issue 148 still happening)
#197 opened by dgreenberg19 - 1
[FR] A way to remove all of the files and folders from the orphaned exclusion list all at once
#193 opened by TheKivster - 4
[APP] PeaZip and qBittorrent
#186 opened by JiNiTaiMei2023 - 1
#191 opened by greg1075 - 12
[BUG] MAS Uninstall
#190 opened by gkrawiec - 1
[FR] Option to auto update app
#188 opened by Critical-Break-5818 - 5
[BUG] Application is calling home (this is not the updater, which I can see is calling the GitHub releases)
#189 opened by UrbanCircles - 3
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[APP] Malvare detected
#187 opened by hermannsorgel - 4
[FR] Reducing the prominence of the "hover trail"
#184 opened by ultratiem - 19
[BUG] Finder Handler Errors
#172 opened by L1cardo - 6
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[FR] DeepLinks
#171 opened by johnmokos - 3
[FR] Junk Scanner
#181 opened by barats - 1
[APP] BlueStacks
#182 opened by JiNiTaiMei2023 - 6
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[FR] Detect uninstalls from Launchpad
#174 opened by Pogimon3 - 4
[FR] Scroll bar for the list of apps
#168 opened by Ilovecatz17 - 14
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[BUG] Pearcleaner selects uncorrect files
#170 opened by L1cardo - 2
- 1
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[FR] Option to auto run brew uninstall <app> in the background upon removing an app using Pearcleaner
#154 opened by Risinggoblin - 4
[FR] Option to bundle up files before deletion
#158 opened by ghjimmy - 2
- 6
[FR] Track clipboard for paths to add to include/exclude folders + support copy&paste
#152 opened by eugenesvk - 1
[FR] Add fuzzy search
#150 opened by eugenesvk - 1
[FR] Ignore symlinks/aliases
#153 opened by eugenesvk - 1
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[FR] Add support for slimming Universal apps
#149 opened by iLynxcat - 1