
Lenovo Uone Tool for Updating machine's Serial and Model information in UEFI/BIOS.

Lenovo Uone Tool

To change Serial Number or Model Information of a laptop.


  1. Extract n1ctm07w.zip and run usbfmtpw.exe
  2. Format the USB Drive
  3. Disconnect the USB Drive
  4. Extract u1u.zip (password for the zip is LenovoUone) and run u1.exe
  5. Reconnect the USB drive and hit run.
  6. Once the USB is created boot the USB Key and follow on screen instructions.


  1. Download the Combo.zip from Releases
  2. Run usbfmtpw.exe and format your USB Drive
  3. Disconnect USB Drive and run u1.exe
  4. Reconnect USB Drive and hit Run
  5. Once the USB is created boot the USB Key and follow on screen instructions.