
Skeletonize your modern website with this easy to use high-level skeleton framework, built for the modern web and beyond.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Skeletonize your modern website with this easy to use high-level skeleton framework, built for the modern web and beyond.

Live demo: http://skeleton.alienmelon.com/skeletonframework/demonstration.html

To Skeletonize your website simply:

  1. Download the files to your computer.
  • Once downloaded, your computer now has skeletons.
  1. Upload the skeletonweb folder to your server (make sure this is the same directory as the website you would like to skeletonify) via any skeleton compatible FTP program.
  • Once uploaded, your server now has skeletons.
  1. To skeleton enable your website add the following line of skeleton enabled modern javascript code (preferably under the < title > < /title > tag as skeletons prefer this):
  • < script src="skeletor.js" > < /script >


If you have followed the instructions, and skeletons still do not appear on your website, try the following...

  1. Follow the instructions again, but much more carefully. Try ritualistic chanting while doing so.

  2. Clear your browser cache. Skeletons need a clean environment to function properly.

  3. Restart your browser.

  4. Reboot your computer, and spend one hour practicing transcendental meditation. Focus your intent on the skeletons.