
Example files for CSS OFF 2013

Primary LanguageCSS


Example files for CSS OFF 2013.

CSS Off 2013 ran from to 11/12/13 11/26/13. I worked on creating a submission on my commute but with work and family commitments. I was unable to finish on time.

I thought it might be interesting to some to see the work I was able to do. It was the first time I used Emmet to markup a design from a PSD and found that workflow very useful.


Gleaning the PSD

I opened up the PSD and began making notes and copying the text from the document.

I created 2 files:

text-emmet.txt  // pasting the text and adding the markup
styles-emmet.txt // for taking notes of colors, fonts, sizes etc.

For each layer set. I would copy and paste the text from Photoshop. I would then think about the markup that I would use to describe the text.

positioning relatives   
In 1858, English pictorial photographer Henry Peach Robinson created the world’s first photomontage by combining five different negatives to make one complete print of a young girl on her deathbed. “Fading Away”—Robinson’s first and most famous composite photo—depicts a young girl dying of consumption and was controversial when it was exhibited, with many believing it was not a suitable subject for photography.

This is the main content on the page and it makes sense that it should be within a HTML5 <article> tag.

In Emmet you can write it this way.

article{positioning relatives In 1858, English pictorial photographer Henry Peach Robinson created the world’s first photomontage … }

which expands to:

positioning relatives In 1858, English pictorial photographer Henry Peach Robinson created the world’s first photomontage …   

You can add then a <h1> and <p> tags this way.

article>h1{positioning relatives}>p{In 1858, English pictorial photographer Henry Peach Robinson created the world’s first photomontage … }

which expands to:

  <h1>positioning relatives
    <p>In 1858, English pictorial photographer Henry Peach Robinson created the world’s first photomontage … </p>

And so on. I finally came up with this snippet to generate the article;

article.feature>span{feature}+h1{positioning relatives}+figure>img[src="images/fading-away.jpg"][alt="Fading Away"][title="Fading Away by Henry Peach Robinson"]+figcaption>p{In }+del{1958}+ins{1858}+{, English pictorial photographer Henry Peach Robinson created the world’s first photomontage by combining five different negatives to make one complete print of a young girl on her deathbed. “}>a[href="http://www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk/collection/photography/royalphotographicsociety/collectionitem.aspx?id=2003-5001/2/23282"]{Fading Away}+{”—Robinson’s first and most famous composite photo—depicts a young girl dying of consumption and was controversial when it was exhibited, with many believing it was not a suitable subject for photography.}^^^^

Which expands to:

<article class="feature">
  <h1>positioning relatives</h1>
    <img src="images/fading-away.jpg" alt="Fading Away" title="Fading Away by Henry Peach Robinson">
      <p>In </p>
      <ins>1858</ins>, English pictorial photographer Henry Peach Robinson created the world’s first photomontage by combining five different negatives to make one complete print of a young girl on her deathbed. “<a href="http://www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk/collection/photography/royalphotographicsociety/collectionitem.aspx?id=2003-5001/2/23282">Fading Away</a>”—Robinson’s first and most famous composite photo—depicts a young girl dying of consumption and was controversial when it was exhibited, with many believing it was not a suitable subject for photography.

I also took style notes from the PSD using Emmet. I added the markup and used SASS style indentation to create the basic styles.

article.feature {
  // w 8g
  > span {
    font-family: "Merriweather Regular";
    font-family: "Oswald Regular";
  p {
    font-family: "Merriweather Light";

Here's the expanded version:

article.feature {
  // w 8g
  > span {
    font-family: "Merriweather Regular";
    font-size: 13px;
    line-height: 79px;
    letter-spacing: .2em;
    color: #cbb8a0;
    font-family: "Oswald Regular";
    font-style: 75px;
    line-height: 79px;
    color: #fdcd84;
    text-transform: uppercase;
  p {
    font-family: "Merriweather Light";
    font-size: 25px;
    line-height: 29px;
    letter-spacing: -.02em;