Opensource IDEX REP-RAP 3D Printer
Single Mode: 365mm x 300mm x 300mm
Copy Mode: 180mm x 300mm x 300mm
Dual Extruder: 330mm x 300mm x 300mm
300mm X 400mm
120v Silicone heater
8mm Mic 6 Aluminum Plate
Kinematic Coupled Bed
Independent motor leveled bed
Flex Plate System
X-Y-U Axis: Dual Markforged
Z-Axis: Belted 8mm Planetary Steppers
12 and 9mm Sq. Rail Bearings
Controller: Duet 2/Panel Due i7/Duex 5/Filament Monitors
Frame: 4020 & 2020 Extruded Aluminum
Independently Adjustable Nozzle Height - Slice Engineering Copperhead Hotend
Direct Drive Bondtech BMG Extruder or Remote Direct Drive Zesty Nimble Extruder
Purge Bucket/Ooze guards
Reverse Bowden w/filament runout
Facebook: Muldex User Group
BMG Extruder Carriage Render: Animation
Jig's for drilling the holes in the extrusions can be found here: Guillaume Gendron's Drilling Jigs
Custom cut Mic6 bed from 3Dfused
Motor, rail, bolt, frame, and bed kits from LDO can be found here
Additional links can be found in the bom.
3D Fused
Atomic Filament
LDO Motors
Slice Engineering
Wham Bam
Zesty Tech
- Add Filament Sensors
- Filament Change Sequence
- Add macros to turn off mesh bed and change first layer heights
Note: current firmware only supports the BMG extruder, X-axis on left.
- Intergrate trigger for X and U axis optic endstops switches into y axis carriage, and change Y axis switches from mechanical to optical. Parts affected; MULDEX-14-01, MULDEX-37-01.